9-19-14 News Notes

France launches first airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq. Destroys militants' depot (BBC) In the News Scotland votes NO Congress approves Syrian rebels' aid Use of force next, Congress? Clapper: We underestimated ISIS Hagel: "We recognize this is difficult" ISIS video uses British hostage as spox Obamacare chief under fire on Hill Clapper says he didn't lie... WH: "Full-court press" for climate summit Adrian Peterson's awful texts Senators urge judge to resign: domestic abuse UN: Ebola threat to peace and security OK Satanic black mass: protests Scotland Vote: Och Aye the NO • Scotland has voted to stay in the United [...]

Keep Pushing Back

Three years ago today, a group of New Yorkers descended on Wall Street's Zuccotti Park to protest the problems caused by and lack of any consequences for those responsible for the financial meltdown of 2008. Obviously, there was much more that the original Occupiers of Wall Street were protesting, but the wealth and justice inequality that is synonymous with Wall Street was the unifying evil that was being fought. Today, though, I was hard pressed to find any remnants of the once-promising protest movement. Even the official Occupy Wall Street website had no new front-page article to commemorate the day. Ironically, [...]

“Kids are the only people in the world you’re ‘allowed’ to hit.” (VIDEO) #ViolenceIsViolence

Please watch this entire video. It's less than a minute long: I had some very disturbing conversations on Twitter yesterday. Not only were they disturbing, but mind-boggling. I was floored that I had to provide the following information to so many people: Merriam-Webster: Definition of SPANK : to strike especially on the buttocks with the open hand Merriam-Webster: Definition of STRIKE  :to hit (someone or something) in a forceful way Spanking = hitting in a forceful way. Hitting = violence. Clear? Unless, of course, you don't consider striking or hitting to be violent. But, oops, physical force is part of the very definition of [...]

By |September 16th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “Kids are the only people in the world you’re ‘allowed’ to hit.” (VIDEO) #ViolenceIsViolence

What’s the Matter Here?

The stories about domestic abuse in the NFL were bad enough. The video of Ray Rice dragging his unconscious then-fiance from an elevator provided the visual that enraged us. The second video of him landing the blow that knocked her into the raid and knocked her out somehow changed everything in the discussion of the culture of violence surrounding that already violent sport. As abhorrent as someone as big, strong and powerful as a professional football player hitting a woman who is most certainly stronger and weaker than he, the news that one of these brutes brutalized his child and defended [...]

Fools on the Hill

The fools were out in force this weekend. From Lindsey Graham having a bit of a temper tantrum on Faux News... Yes, he really did whine, Apparently nobody's been listening to what Senator McCain and I have been saying for the last three years. Sadly Linds, we've been hearing you, non stop, advocating for US conquering the world with our military might! It's hard to ignore when you're on the TV every friggen day. We heard your pal Grampy McCain too... he told us just yesterday that he knows how to vet these Syrian "moderates" because he "knows them." He [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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