The Day Before the Day Before Thanksgiving

It's Tuesday, the day before the day before Thanksgiving, and today I'm very thankful that I won't be traveling very far.  The weather is lousy, flights are being cancelled left and right, the roads will be a mess. Yes, for once I'm thankful that I'll be here in FloriDUH. Actually, I will be on the road for about an hour in each direction tomorrow afternoon, heading up to West Palm Beach to Randi Rhodes' studio to guest host her show, but more about that tomorrow... This morning, I spent the first hour of the show talking about some news stories [...]

By |November 26th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Day Before the Day Before Thanksgiving

Stranger than Fiction

From the Truth is Stranger than Fiction files this morning: McDonald’s advises its low-wage workers to try “breaking food into pieces” to feel full, and urges them to “pack your bags” for vacation, “chew away cares” with gum, “keep the faith” by going to church, and “sing away stress.”  And, oh yeah, return some of those Christmas gifts to get the cash! In response to criticism over Walmart employees holding a food drive for fellow Walmart employees, the company is pushing back.  And it's Ashton Kutcher to the rescue! A freshman teaparty congressman from Florida, Trey Radel, was busted buying [...]

By |November 20th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Stranger than Fiction

Hello Murphy, Good bye West! Plus Black Friday Strikes, Goats for Sudan and Forever Families!

The "Allen West is toast" victory tour continues today with the guy who unseated him! Patrick Murphy joined the show this morning to talk about beating the craziest member of the US House of Representatives. In case you were wondering, no, West never called him to conceded. He did it on Fox Faux News and Facebook. Now that's classLESS, but then again, I'd expect nothing more from a war criminal piece of shit like Allen West.

By |November 26th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Hello Murphy, Good bye West! Plus Black Friday Strikes, Goats for Sudan and Forever Families!

The Day Before Thanksgiving Double Header- from Walmart to the Fiscal Curb and Beyond

The Black Friday sales are weird.  People subject themselves to crowding and pushing and manic people fighting over an item that will soon likely be forgotten anyway.  They wait in lines at ungodly hours, all to save a few pennies.  And low-wage workers are made to smile and help the angry mobs. In the past couple of years, the start time for Black Friday has inched ever earlier, now starting before Thanksgiving Thursday has ended.  The losers in this scenario are those low wage workers who have no other recourse.... until now. Walmart workers are going on strike.  More power [...]

By |November 21st, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Day Before Thanksgiving Double Header- from Walmart to the Fiscal Curb and Beyond

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