When three people, including 8-year old Martin Richards-pictured above, are killed and upwards of 180 injured at a public sporting event, something is broken.
When an injured marathon spectator is considered a “suspect” in the bombing because he’s a Saudi national, something is broken.
When Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda outlets can spread hate and lies and call them “news“, something is broken.
When public figures tweet out “Kill the Muslims”, something is broken.
When American Airlines returns a plane to the gate at Logan because two passengers are speaking Arabic, something is broken.
When poison laced envelopes are sent to members of the Senate and the President, something is broken.
When Congressional office buildings have to be cleared because of a “suspicious package“, something is broken.
When the Senate filibusters a vote on background check legislation, something is broken.
When pro-gun lobbyists can brag that they helped turn the background check bill into pro-gun legislation, something is broken.
When Ron Paul launches a Home School Curriculum created by “Christian Reconstructionist” and advocates for the “separation of School and State”, something is broken.
When Lawrence O’Donnell goes on TV as a shill for the White House and says that he knows that FDR would support Obama’s calls for Chained-CPI, something is broken.
When 20 first-graders are executed in their classroom by a crazy person with an assault weapon, something is broken.
When our elected officials fail to do something to make us safer, something is broken.
I could continue, but I have come to the conclusion that everything is broken.
To fix things, we must fight back. Help elect progressives to Congress (check out the contest Blue America is running that Howie Klein discussed on the show today) , be informed about things like who Frances Perkins was and what she stood for, and stay current on the news about what the religious zealots are attempting to do to this country, and more.