Can’t Say You Did Nazi This Coming with Jordan Green- Nicole Sandler Show 2-27-24

     There's a meme making the rounds  featuring a photo of some Trumper idiot with a swastika and the text "I did Nazi this coming" which I call Bullshit. The Nazis made their presence known in an unmistakable manner in Charlottesville. They regularly display their flags in Florida at Disney World, no less. Just two weekends ago, they marched on Music City, Nashville. Jordan Green, investigative reporter for Raw Story, spent months investigating a heinous group of teenagers who recruit even younger (white) kids to indoctrinate them nice and early. For his troubles, he's been stalked, threatened [...]

By |February 27th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Can’t Say You Did Nazi This Coming with Jordan Green- Nicole Sandler Show 2-27-24

Et tu Ohio?

Let's get this straight. The labor movement has been invigorated by Wisconsin's dictatorial governor's war against unions.  The fabulous 14 state senators left the state to prevent a vote that would kill the unions' collective bargaining rights, further energizing the left across the nation. Walker's trying everything to either get the 14 back (threats, intimidation, withholding pay, etc) or to figure out how to change the rules so they don't need 3/5 of the Senate present for a quorum. Meanwhile, Walker's BFF John Kasich, governor of Ohio, just may have stolen ol' Scotty Walker's thunder. The Ohio state senate yesterday [...]

By |March 3rd, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Et tu Ohio?

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