Brian Williams “legitimizes Sarah Palin; that’s never good.”

Image via Another snark-filled guest post by the one, the only Will Durst: MISREMEMBERING Big bad brouhaha over at NBC with anchor Brian Williams misremembering being shot down in a helicopter on a trip to Iraq, when the facts seem to indicate that although he did fly in a helicopter, and was over Iraq, he was not shot down. Well, come on; the guy was close. Got 2 out of 3. They keep you in the bigs with a .667 batting average, right? Well, this time around… maybe not. Easy to see how this could happen, though. Self- aggrandizement is a [...]

By |February 9th, 2015|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Brian Williams “legitimizes Sarah Palin; that’s never good.”

Women Vote!

Welcome to August 26, 2014 - the 94th anniversary of the certification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States. Although it's dubbed "Women's Equality Day," that's actually a misnomer, as women still have no constitutional right to equality. Although the Equal Rights Amendment was written by Alice Paul in 1923, it has yet to be ratified. But women do have the right to vote. And yes, women do vote! That was the focus of today's "Gliberal Goddesses" gathering. Every other Tuesday morning, GottaLaff of The Political Carnival, Amy Simon of She's History, [...]

Unrest and Disorder

  The more things change, the more they stay the same. Last night, the peace in Ferguson, MO was once again shattered by a standoff between police and protesters. According to the police, provocateurs in the crowd fired guns and threw Molotov cocktails at the line of police. According to protesters (as well as media representatives on my show today), the aggression came from the uniformed force of power attempting to disperse the crowd. I'd call the actions of the Ferguson PD and Mayor, of the Missouri Governor and the rest of the "powers-that-be" a "comedy of errors" except there's nothing [...]

Saving the Planet – And Ourselves (04/22/2014)

It's Earth Day, and the prognosis for our planet isn't great. We've passed 400 parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere, high above the 350 ppm from which took its name - signifying the maximum levels we can sustain if life is to survive on earth. As Dr. James Hanson,  former head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies. and one of the most respected climatologists in the world, said of our situation: “If humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted, paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change suggest that [...]

Literally Racists

I've recently made a concerted effort to stay away from playing clips of right wing nut jobs on my show, but sometimes they say things so absurd they figuratively make my head explode! There were two such incidents yesterday that metaphorically drove me crazy. I know Joe Biden gets chided for his misuse of the word "literally". But it seems that when he does it, it's little more than an annoyance or something easily mocked. But Rush Limbaugh is supposed to be a professional broadcaster. His stock in trade is words! The clip below is a perfect example of why [...]

Plutonium is Forever

Three years ago today, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, and triggered a massive tsunami that claimed among its victims the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and thus began a nuclear disaster whose scope is still not fully known, but will continue for generations to come. The news out of Japan these days is sparse, due to a newly-passed state secrets law that prohibits everyone from discussing the disaster (or any other bad news), and even prohibits journalists from asking questions about it, both punishable by long prison terms. Over here and in other parts of [...]

Good Night and Good Luck

I'm still stunned and angered by Keith Olbermann's surprise announcement at the end of his show Friday evening proclaiming that he "had been told" that evening's edition of "Countdown" would be his last. Although part of me is excited to see what he'll do next, I'll miss my nightly 8pm date with the man who speaks truth to power better than just about anyone else. I do believe January 21 is a date cursed.  On Friday, I bemoaned the first anniversary of the Supreme Court's heinous ruling in Citizens United v. FEC which opened the floodgates for corporate donations to [...]

By |January 24th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Good Night and Good Luck

Two Journalists, a Spy and and an Activist Appear on a Radio Show

Actually, it was a former spy turned novelist, and they were all my guests today on the Randi Rhodes Show. Journalist Dave Weigel gave us the scoop on his ouster from the Washington Post after a slimy member of a private email list released some of his more controversial statements made in private. That led into a discussion on the thin line between objective journalism and a reporters rights to voice his or her own opinion. I was thrilled to talk with CIA agent turned novelist Barry Eisler, as I just finished reading his latest novel, Inside Out, this morning. [...]

By |July 8th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Two Journalists, a Spy and and an Activist Appear on a Radio Show

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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