No Pity for the Billionaires Here

  It's a busy day here at Radio or Not headquarters.  The final presidential debate is tonight, and the future of the nation is on the line. We've been hearing a lot about the billionaires and the plutocrats lately - for very good reason.  What's really at stake is whether or not the deep divide between the very wealthy and the rest of us becomes ever deeper and impossible to gap, or fairness is a goal to aspire to. Today, we'll address the subject with one of my favorite authors on the subject - Thomas Frank, columnist for Harpers and [...]

By |October 22nd, 2012|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on No Pity for the Billionaires Here

It’s 10-11-12: Do You Know Who Your VP Will Be?

It's deja vu all over again as a completely unqualified candidate could be one heartbeat away from the presidency.  Say what you will about Paul Lyin' Ryan, he's in good shape. The picture above and the others in Time's pictorial published today were taken in December of last year when the congressman from Wisconsin was named one of the magazine's runners up for Person of the Year and show the vp-wannabe looking truly less-than-presidential.  Thanks Time for sharing these pics on the day of the one and only debate between Ryan and VP Joe Biden. Those aren't the only completely wrong photos [...]

No Vote No Future

We are coming down to the wire.  I'll be voting tomorrow. As the following two videos show - one using clever production techniques and scare tactics and the other using that all-too-valuable but becoming ever-scarce and somehow vilified common sense - it's time to put up or shut up. First, we look to our friends at, whose RepubliCorp campaign is nothing short of brilliant.  In fact, it was in keeping with this idea that Lauren Valle had her head stomped on by a Rand Paul campaign worker when she held up a sign proclaiming Paul "RepubliCorp Employee of the [...]

The Final Stretch

We have just over a week before election day, and things are getting nastier by the minute. On today's show, I'll be joined by one of the few progressive heroes in Congress - Raul Grijalva - who is in serious danger of losing his seat. On Thursday, Grijalva's Tucson office was evacuated Thursday when a staffer opened an envelope containing a plastic bag of white powder and two pieces of paper with swastikas written on them. Nice, huh?  Yes, it's ugly out there... But we'll start the show with Jason Leopold of Truthout, who spent the weekend poring over the [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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