2011 Year in Review – March Through May and Here’s Where Your Jobs Are Going

This morning on the show, I had an eye-opening conversation with civil rights attorney James Otto about a lawsuit he filed in California against "healthcare company" Molina Healthcare. (Ed note: I put healthcare company in quotes because I believe this company and others do nothing to care for the help of its clients.) I urge you to listen to the interview, as it's pretty in-depth and mind blowing.  But basically, Otto is representing a group of former employees who were fired and replaced by non-citizens allowed to work here under H-1B visas, after being forced to train those workers to [...]

By |December 21st, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2011 Year in Review – March Through May and Here’s Where Your Jobs Are Going

I Went to Washington DC and All I Got Was Dissed By My Congressman

OK, I'm exaggerating a bit, as my trip to DC this week was pretty amazing! I met some wonderful people from both the labor movement and the occupy movement (which really are one and the same, even if some of them don't want to admit it).  And, as detailed in my last post, I witnessed history, as I was in the senate gallery to witness some Bernie Sanders brilliance. Perhaps the most telling episodes of my trek to the nation's capitol both came from the man who is supposed to be representing me in Congress, Allen West. On Tuesday, along [...]

Allen West is a Liar and a Coward

Yesterday I told you how a group of around 30 constituents from Florida's 22nd congressional district went to Allen West's office to meet with him. (We were part of a much larger group that went to visit 99 congressional offices in all, on behalf of the 99%.) Only four from our group were allowed to speak with our congressman -- I was not among them (not sure if it was because the receptionist was a bitch and I told her so, or because I'm me - probably some combination of the two).  I spoke with them after the meeting who [...]

Occupy Quantity vs Quality

This is a tough post to write, but I have to say it.  I'd rather see fewer people at these protests who know why they're here than more people who don't know jack shit. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's what I do. Yesterday, a group of around 30 of us went to our congressman's office - in our case, it was Allen West.  All in the group came from his district, Florida's 22nd.  Most of them came from Occupy West Palm Beach. As we were walking the mile or so from the People's Camp to the Longworth office [...]

Taking Back the Capitol – Allen West Denied!

I'm in Washington DC this week for a massive action "Take Back the Capitol". Today was a thing of beauty, as thousands of the 99% visited 99 congressional offices to tell our representatives that we need more jobs and less corporate influence over this country. I was in a group of around 30 people from Florida's 22nd district who wanted to meet with the man who is supposed to represent us -- Allen West. After waiting a couple of hours, West's Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff (along with the help of three Capitol Police they somehow needed [...]

Senators Carl Levin & Sheldon Whitehouse – WTF??!?!

I get that John McCain would author a bill that would allow everyday US citizens to be indefinitely detained by the military and held without charge.  But Senator Carl Levin? Et tu? Apparently.  The two authored the Levin/McCain  bill, aka Section 1031 of the National Defense Authorization Act  ...   Actually, as the ACLU reports: The worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial provision is in S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor on Monday. The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee [...]

By |December 1st, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Senators Carl Levin & Sheldon Whitehouse – WTF??!?!

BofA cancels Debit Fees – A Victory for the Protesters

Today's reversal by Bank of America on their proposed $5 monthly fee for users of debit cards shows that our voices are being heard.  A few people who know what they're talking about offer some advice... Last night, former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer (who probably could have become president if only he could have kept his dick in his pants) appeared on Countdown with Keith Olbermann and gave the protesters a few ideas: Rick Perlstein gave some pointers via his blog at Crooks and Liars An excerpt: ...the reason the Occupiers have changed attitudes in politicians, or at least become [...]

By |November 1st, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on BofA cancels Debit Fees – A Victory for the Protesters

Oh God!

"Oh God" is a multi-use term, much like the word "fuck" serves multiple purposes.  And although I'm an atheist, I use the "Oh God" expression fairly frequently. "Oh God" was my reaction when I first heard this clip from Michele Bachmann explaining how God told her to marry Marcus Bachmann (even though they weren't in love or anything), and then went to law school and for her post-doctorate in tax law (even though she hates taxes) because her husband told her to, and the Bible says women must be submissive to their men! Of course, that's how she really feels. [...]

Get Your Dialing Fingers Ready

Of course, they've already gotten a workout, as you've no doubt been calling your House member and two senators, plus the White House, Speaker's office and Harry Reid's office too...  But tonight's call should be a bit more fun. You might remember the story about my congressman.  I'm supposedly represented by Allen West - the Iraqi police officer abuser,  misogynistic teabagger who stood by approvingly as I was removed from an event billed as a "town hall meeting" and arrested for daring to challenge him with a QUESTION about his stance on privatizing medicare. Well, Congressman West - stuck in DC [...]

By |July 27th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Get Your Dialing Fingers Ready

Shit My Congressman Says

I think I'll start a new reality show.  Shit My Congressman Says.  I think it's a winner! Or maybe start small, with a twitter account!  Unfortunately, someone already registered ShitMyRepSays... with no tweets. Ugh. I'll keep working on it. Perhaps we'll just make it a regular feature on the show... Allen West really does need some help.  The poor man is delusional.  Just yesterday, he told a Huffington Post reporter that he had just apologized to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for his vile and unprofessional actions after her somewhat run-of-the-mill floor speech calling him out on his stance on Medicare.  His spokeswoman [...]

By |July 21st, 2011|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Shit My Congressman Says

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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