Veterans Day Double Header

Veterans Day was officially yesterday - November 11 , but we'll talk about it today on both my show and Randi Rhodes'! We honor those who served our nation while, at the same time, hope we never send more men & women to war.  So, Leah Bolger, president of Veterans for Peace will join me on both shows today. On my show, we'll talk about the latest casualty in the world of progressive talk radio.  On Friday evening, Clear Channel flipped Portland's KPOJ to sports.. deja vu all over again. Florida's 29 electoral votes were finally awarded to President Obama! [...]

By |November 12th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Veterans Day Double Header

2012 FTW (For the Win!)

We dodged a big bullet in the form of Mitt Romney last night.  American won a number of victories last night on a few fronts, but truly, our work is just beginning.  Since President Obama will now have a second term - and a good majority in the Senate - we have a fighting chance to insure the longevity of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - and the other ideals that make this nation great.  But "fighting" is the operative word there, as the Republicans might be bad winners, they're certainly very sore losers. As we saw during this election [...]

By |November 7th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2012 FTW (For the Win!)

Allen West’s Greatest Hits

I knew Allen West would stoop as low as he needs to go in order to try to win a second term in the US Congress.  Make no mistake, this man should be in a military brig, not on Capitol Hill. His latest despicable act comes in the form of an attack ad against his opponent, Patrick Murphy, which pits an arrest for underage drinking when Murphy was 19 against Allen West getting deployment orders on that same day in 2003. If we're going to hold teenage stunts against candidates, perhaps we should revisit Mitt Romney's homophobic antics in prep [...]

A Progressive Call to Action!

Listen to this episode: {play} {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   If we keep repeating what happened last night in Washington and Michigan, we're going to wind up with a Congress full of assholes like Allen West and Mitt Romney in the White House.  Last night, the voters in Washington's 1st Congressional district really blew it.  Instead of nominating a true progressive in Darcy Burner, they wound up with a corpora-Dem in Suzan DelBene, who'll likely not make it as far as election day in November due to her shoddy (illegal?) financial disclosure filings.  According to Howie Klein over [...]

By |August 8th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on A Progressive Call to Action!

Dog Days

Listen to this episode: {play} {/play} Podcast: Play in new window It's those unbearably hot August days that are usually referred to as the "Dog Days" of summer.  But thanks to the incessant heat enveloping the nation right now, I'll extend the canine comparison. The pooch pictured at the pool above is my dear Pooh-Bear, who's having some health issues. It's a good thing I have health insurance for her.  Seriously. Yes, even the cost of veterinary care has skyrocketed in recent years, so much so that I've been dreading these days when, as my dogs age, I know they'll need more and more medical [...]

Malloy from Radio to Or Not

{play}{/play}  PODCAST: Play in new window Yes, you read right. Mike Malloy crosses over from the traditional world of terrestrial radio to the alternative ...or not world of the interwebs.  Well, for a short while, anyway, as he is my guest on the show this morning. I'm writing this early, as I have a very busy day, and want links and videos posted ... so who knows where our conversation will go.  All I know is you won't want to miss it. We'll chat with another outspoken voice - Cliff Schecter - in the first hour.   And I have [...]

By |May 16th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Malloy from Radio to Or Not

I Take a Day Off, and All Hell Breaks Loose!

I take one morning off and everything goes insane!  Seriously, as I watched a parade of ridiculous events transpire Tuesday afternoon and evening, all I could think was that it figures, I'd be off the air the following day. So, today's show began with a recap of the madness... First, Rick "Frothy" Santorum pulls out - of the presidential race, that is.  Aww shucks, sorry to see his campaign come to an end (or not). Then, George W. Bush emerged from the shadows to remind us of his lack of brains.  One direct quote: "If you raise taxes [...]

By |April 12th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on I Take a Day Off, and All Hell Breaks Loose!

On Progressives Candidates, Komen and Chatting Made Easier

I've been busy getting our new chatroom up and running...  If you registered today here on the website, you might have to re-register tomorrow using the chat registration.  But after that, we're done! In the first hour of the show, I was joined by Howie Klein of Down With Tyranny and the Blue America PAC, talking about the need to elect real progressives to office, and a few of them who are worthy of your votes and donations! In hour two - as we do every Monday - I was joined by Nicole Belle of Crooks and Liars for our [...]

By |February 6th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on On Progressives Candidates, Komen and Chatting Made Easier

End Prohibition!

I've long believed that the so-called War on Drugs does much more harm than good. The good folks at Drug Policy Central have come up with a War on Drugs Clock. The amounts reset on January 1 of each year.  The numbers below are are cumulative from the first of the year only! //   Arrests for drug law violations this year are expected to exceed the 1,663,582 arrests of 2009. Law enforcement made more arrests for drug abuse violations (an estimated 1.6 million arrests, or 13.0 percent of the total number of arrests) than for any other offense in [...]

By |February 1st, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on End Prohibition!

Allen West Must Go

The hate-spewing war criminal from South Florida was at it again this weekend, claiming exclusive rights to this country for his right-wing intolerant, selfish, racist, violent bretheren. I hadn't yet seen it when some mentally challenged friend of a right-wing email buddy of David's hit "reply all" and sent the email to him, complete with this brilliant subject line: Allen West, Congrassman from Fla blasts the commi's If that doesn't tell you enough about West's constituency, here's how the body of the message read: Rep. Allen West - "Obama, Reid, Pelosi, get the hell out of the USA" - 28 [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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