What I will not write about today

Sometimes I get so frustrated and/or disheartened and/or annoyed by some of the news stories of the day that I can’t bring myself to write about them. Here are a few recent reports that made my blood pressure hit the roof. I am avoiding delving into them at length out of concern for my physical and mental health. Many of us were seething at the press (not just the "mainstream media," but also pundits on the right and the left) for their praise of Donald Trump's trip to Mexico. They actually called him "presidential." No, I'm not kidding. Some approval cranked [...]

What I will not write about today

Sometimes I get so frustrated and/or disheartened and/or annoyed by some of the news stories of the day that I can’t bring myself to write about them. Here are a few recent reports that made my blood pressure hit the roof. I am avoiding delving into them at length out of concern for my physical and mental health. Cattle pens, threats of violence, blacklists, total lack of access. Time for journalists to say: Enough is enough! Transparency by and access to presidential candidates? Respect for the First Amendment? What could my pal Will Bunch be thinking? The actual author of [...]

By |August 30th, 2016|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on What I will not write about today

What I will not write about today: Infuriating news + snark chaser

Sometimes I get so frustrated and/or disheartened and/or annoyed by some of the news stories of the day that I can’t bring myself to write about them. Here are a few recent reports that made my blood pressure hit the roof. I am avoiding delving into them at length out of concern for my physical and mental health. CIA torture report not likely to result in reforms or prosecutions: "The Justice Department has cast the matter as a closed case... Federal prosecutors will not reopen their investigation of whether criminal laws were broken by CIA guards and interrogators for mistreating [...]

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