
Announcement! has now officially moved to So if you want to watch, listen, and/or read anything from Nicole Sandler and me, go to the brand spankin' new site! My "Laffy's Place" tab there even has its own URL: if you want to go directly to my posts. To repeat: is now the URL for Nicole's radio show, Laffy's Place, and links to all other features on the site. And is teaming up with Randi Rhodes (!!), whose show Nicole will be producing!   More news: Nicole's show (where I've been showing up for my weekly segment every Tuesday for years) will start [...]

Grateful & Thankful

  I began the show today with a big shout out of thanks and appreciation to all who have stepped up recently with financial support of the show. As I've reiterated often, I'll never put up a pay wall on this show. I know too many people who are struggling, and don't want to deny anyone access to the program. But with today's business/radio climate, the only way this show will survive is by virtue of your donations. And yesterday, a couple of listeners stepped up in a really big way. Erika from California has surprised and humbled me in [...]

Whose Airwaves? (04/21/2014)

Radio is a sound salvationRadio is cleaning up the nationThey say you better listen to the voice of reasonBut they don't give you any choice'cause they think that it's treason.So you had better do as you are told.You better listen to the radio.I wanna bite the hand that feeds me.I wanna bite that hand so badly.I want to make them wish they'd never seen me.Some of my friends sit around every eveningand they worry about the times aheadBut everybody else is overwhelmed by indifferenceand the promise of an early bedYou either shut up or get cut up;they don't wanna hear [...]

Just When You Think It Can’t Get Any Worse…

... Sarah Palin opens her mouth! We were wondering when she'd speak up. The woman who put herself in the "line of fire" by using gun imagery, murderous metaphors and violent rhetoric as her calling card and, by posting on her SarahPAC  and facebook pages a map with gun crosshairs over 20 Congressional districts - including Gabby Giffords', took a bad situation and made it worse with more incendiary words. I was hoping that Sarah Palin would show that she has some sense in that thick mind of hers by, when emerging from her cocoon of silence, renouncing her bad [...]

Sen Bernie Sanders & Digby on today’s show!

It doesn't get a whole lot better than that! Tune in bright and early, as Senator Bernie Sanders will be with me just moments after 10am ET, when the show begins.  There's so much I'd like to discuss with him but, since our time is limited, I'll tackle an issue that's near and dear to me and, apparently, to him too. When MSNBC suspended Keith Olbermann, these words came over my computer via Sen. Sanders' twitter feed: " There already is far too much media concentration in this country. We need more diversity, more local ownership, more viewpoints..... Progressives know [...]

By |November 17th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Sen Bernie Sanders & Digby on today’s show!

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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