4-6-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursday with Howie Klein and John Nichols Too

https://media.zencastr.com/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/2e36596f-b987-4aa6-b55e-07400fcbef02.mp3 Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version Today is Thursday, so Howie Klein joins us from Down with Tyranny and the Blue America PAC where we usually talk politics. And there's lots to talk about today, including the travesty unfolding in Nashville right now as the TN state legislature is seeking to expel three Democrats from the legislature because they dared to stand with the protestors following last week's mass school shooting in Nashville. But Howie was a music industry icon back when [...]

By |April 6th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-6-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursday with Howie Klein and John Nichols Too

2-3-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Friday Roundup from John Nichols to the Young Dubs

  https://redirect.zen.ai/r/episode/63dd9b78e6ee411b750f0a1a/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/05877340-f63d-4f6a-9b43-ff3b944f3a7f.mp3   Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version   This long week finally comes to a close today with another full show. We have unfinished business yesterday, regarding both heinous House votes on the "horrors of socialism" and to remove Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs committee. I'll share Mark Takano's piece for DownwithTyranny.com that Howie Klein told us about yesterday, and we'll try to get to the second half of Rep. Omar's floor speech that we didn't have time for yesterday. Then, [...]

By |February 3rd, 2023|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 2-3-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Friday Roundup from John Nichols to the Young Dubs

6-15-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Mid Week Roundup with The Nation’s John Nichols

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) Today's scheduled third day of hearings from the House Select Committee investigating the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol was postponed, giving us a bit of a breather. But not really, when you consider all that's happened today. The Supreme Court handed down decisions in six more of their still undecided cases for this term, though none of them were the blockbuster cases some had expected. That leaves 18 more decisions to come in the next few weeks. The Fed made good on [...]

By |June 15th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 6-15-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Mid Week Roundup with The Nation’s John Nichols

1-24-22 Nicole Sandler Show -John Nichols on How We Got Here and Whether We Can Fix Things

  Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)  We've now passed the one-year mark of the post-Trump presidency, but like other former presidents, that one won't go away. I realized last week that I had entirely forgotten about the annual Progressive Honor Roll, as designated by John Nichols and his colleagues at The Nation magazine. I think I've had John on as a guest every year for the past decade reviewing the progressive heroes of the previous year. So, I reached out to invite him on, belatedly. And learned that [...]

By |January 24th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 1-24-22 Nicole Sandler Show -John Nichols on How We Got Here and Whether We Can Fix Things

9-3-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Ending an Epically Bad Week with John Nichols

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   The chaotic end to our longest war ever. Hurricane Ida makes landfall in New Orleans on the 16th anniversary of Katrina, devastating the region again. The Supreme Court all but overturns Roe v Wade on its shadow docket in the dead of night. Ida remnants wreak havoc on the northeast, killing at least 45 people in six states, crippling NYC and the surrounding areas. This was an epically awful week. The cynic in me wants to crawl under a rock. My hopefully [...]

By |September 6th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 9-3-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Ending an Epically Bad Week with John Nichols

1-15-21 Nicole Sandler Show – 2020’s Progressive Honor Roll and More w John Nichols

Download here or click below to play     The year 2020 was pretty awful as years go, but there were a few bright spots and silver linings. Every year, The Nation publishes their Progressive Honor Roll and John Nichols joins me to discuss who made the list. He'll be with us today to go over 2020's MVPs, and to talk a bit about the unprecedented circumstances we find ourselves in today. As usual, we started with the latest news, a few mini rants from me. One was about Katie Porter being taken OFF the House Financial Services Committee (WTF [...]

By |January 15th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-15-21 Nicole Sandler Show – 2020’s Progressive Honor Roll and More w John Nichols

11-20-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Coup or No Coup? with John Nichols & ‘Boca’ Brit Somers

Download here or click below to play   We wrap up another week today with the squatters in the White House trying to upend democracy and reverse the results of the election. I'll have the latest on Trump's attempts to subvert the will of the people in Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. John Nichols, National Affairs Correspondent for The Nation, joins us from Wisconsin, where the orange one has demanded another recount that won't change anything. In the second part of the show, I'm joined by "Boca" Britany Somers. This week has been Transgender Awareness Week, and today is Transgender Remembrance [...]

By |November 20th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-20-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Coup or No Coup? with John Nichols & ‘Boca’ Brit Somers

5-29-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Fighting for the Soul of our Nation with John Nichols

Download here or click below to play   The Nation magazine's National Affairs correspondent John Nichols has a new book out, The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party: The Enduring Legacy of Henry Wallace’s Antifascist, Antiracist Politics . It's a fight we must wage and progressive must win, but it comes as the country is fighting for our future. The events of the past week make me wonder if we have a future at all... today's conversation with John Nichols will be a good one (as they always are). He joins in at the bottom of the hour. [...]

By |May 29th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 5-29-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Fighting for the Soul of our Nation with John Nichols

1-2-2020 Nicole Sandler Show – Starting the New Year with John Nichols

Click to play or download the show audio here Nicole Sandler returns with new shows... to begin the New Year, Nicole welcomes The Nation magazine's John Nichols for his annual year-end progressive honor roll and a look toward the future, as we take on 2020  

By |January 2nd, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 1-2-2020 Nicole Sandler Show – Starting the New Year with John Nichols

8-2-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Wrapping Up the Week with John Nichols of The Nation

 What a week! The second of the Democratic 2020 primary debates is/are history. Congress is on recess until September. And a majority of the House Democratic Caucus now supports impeachment. We'll go through all of it and more, and chat with John Nichols of The Nation about where we go next.

By |August 2nd, 2019|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-2-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Wrapping Up the Week with John Nichols of The Nation

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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