Who’s Better At Politics – Republicans or Democrats?

I know it sounds like a trick question, but it's a relevant one.  We've all heard the jokes that aren't funny (because they hit too close to home) about the Dems being in the proverbial circular firing squad, or having the knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  The reason just might be the other age old adage, that trying to get Democrats on the same page is akin to herding cats.... impossible. I read a thought-provoking piece last week on DailyKos by activist/strategist Robert Cruickshank, provocatively titled "Why aren't progressives as good at politics as Republicans?"  He [...]

By |May 25th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Who’s Better At Politics – Republicans or Democrats?

Summers’ End and More Wishful Thinking

How appropriate is it that Larry Summers' departure is announced on the first day of fall? What other beautiful changes can we hope for as the Obama administration attempts to get voters excited before November 2?  How about making a list? Get Rahm the hell out of there too! The PCCC started a campaign to get Chicago voters to pledge never to vote for him... but I say "shhh."  Let him think they'll vote for him, and then don't! In the wake of yesterday's blockade in the Senate of opening debate on DADT (by way of the Defense Appropriations bill), [...]

Warren, O’Donnell and Pence… Oh My!

So much has happened since we last spoke on Thursday... President Obama officially named Elizabeth Warren as the person to set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau -- though not necessarily as the one to run it.  Is he hedging his bets, or just being spineless yet again?  John Nichols of The Nation writes "There Will Be 'Hell to Pay' If Elizabeth Warren Doesn't Have Real Power." The Hill reports that Mike Pence was the best  that the attendees of the "Values Voters" summit could come up with for a 2012 Presidential nominee. And it's illegal to build sand castles [...]

By |September 20th, 2010|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Warren, O’Donnell and Pence… Oh My!

I’m Baack!

What a way to return, huh?  I was preparing to ease back into work slowly.  But shortly after I awakened yesterday morning, I got a call from Randi Rhodes' executive producer John Manzo telling me that Randi was sick, and asking if I could fill in for her.  Of course I said yes.  No way I'd turn down that opportunity... So, I sprung into action, and started reading and booking guests for the show. I had already planned to return to do my show last night...so I figured I'd do another marathon broadcasting day.  Unfortunately, it took its toll on [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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