It’s F%@cking Monday and We Have the F%@king News- Nicole Sandler Show 2-26-24

Grrr, it's Monday already. I try to escape from the real world on weekends so make an effort to avoid all news if possible. That makes Mondays even worse, as I start early catching up. Thankfully, Jonathan Larsen is here each Monday to share his reporting and tell us what went on while I was pretending nothing was happening... Jonathan writes a daily substack to share his work with you. Subscribe at Plus, I ventured out in to the world of AZ politics this weekend and it was a pleasant surprise!

By |February 26th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s F%@cking Monday and We Have the F%@king News- Nicole Sandler Show 2-26-24

5-20-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Get Your Religion Out Of My Government

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   Today's Republican Party is many things that would take me too long to list and raise my blood pressure too much. But one word that comes to mind every time I cover a story about their latest insanity is hypocrisy. They scream about the original intent of the framers of the Constitution, yet they insist on following those directives only when it correlates with their perverted sense of morality. Again, the biggie here has to do with church and state and the [...]

By |May 21st, 2022|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 5-20-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Get Your Religion Out Of My Government


It's a double header today, as I'm guest hosting the Randi Rhodes Show this afternoon (3-6ET)... But it's time we say enough. We're on the verge of the end of sanity, and we must take action to stop the hemorrhaging of democratic principles! Yesterday, I heard Randi mention the 14 Characteristics of Fascism - and if we're not there yet, we're awfully close! This morning on my show, I spoke with Claire Conner, author of Wrapped in the Flag (now out in paperback) her story of growing up with parents who were original members and top lieutenants in the John [...]

ENDA the Hypocrisy, please

Today the Senate will pass the Employment Non Discrimination Act.  It's about time that people can no longer be fired because of their sexuality or sexual identity. The forces fighting to keep workplace discrimination legal seem to be doing so in the name of "religious liberty" - and even more damning is that the religion they're "protecting" is Christianity. Whoa! Does anyone else see the massive disconnect and overwhelming hypocrisy here? As a person of Jewish heritage who long ago used logic to rid herself of any organized religious beliefs, I do believe in the "golden rule".  I'll admit I'm [...]

Equal Rights for All

That picture is my friend Asher Huey.  I don't think Asher is ready to get married yet, but when he is, it will be to the man with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life.  His right to marry the person of his choice is what's at stake-- what the Supreme Court is hearing arguments about, what they may rule on in the next few months. It is the civil rights issue of our time. We've been dealing with it all week on both this show and as I've been filling in for Randi Rhodes on her [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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