Bring Me A Shrubbery!

Or better yet, please don't.  But it might be unavoidable. George W. Bush's "Decision Points" hits stores today, and the shrub hits the pr trail to promote it and try to rehabilitate his image.  Based on his first interview with NBC's Matt Lauer, it might not be possible.  (Video coming up at the end of the post, should you care to watch it.) Let's not forget the eight long years this country suffered with W at the helm.  Just before he left office, I took us on an alphabetical journey through his reign... Have a listen so you don't forget! [...]

Defending McCain

That's Meghan McCain I'm defending, not her demented father.  I never thought I'd do that, but after seeing her on The Rachel Maddow Show last night, I realized  that -though while she's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier - she does make some good points. In this day and age of the crazier the better for people of the right-leaning persuasion, it's refreshing to hear a self-identified Republican say things that make sense.  She's on the right (left) side when it comes to LGBT rights - including marriage equality and the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell.  For speaking [...]

“What I Believe Is Irrelevant” & Other Political Jokes

"What I believe Is irrelevant" is a direct quote from Christine "I'm Not A Witch" O'Donnell when asked last night in the first Coons-O'Donnell debate whether or not she still believes that "evolution is a myth," something she proudly proclaimed on Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect" a dozen or so years ago. On that one statement Christine, you are correct. I'll take it a step further... YOU are irrelevant. I know, you're asking "so why all the media attention?"  The woman is in the neighborhood of 20 points behind Chris Coons, the man who showed last night that he will be [...]

By |October 14th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on “What I Believe Is Irrelevant” & Other Political Jokes

Monday Morning – The Nicole Sandler Show

It's Monday, so that means we get to re-live some of the high and low points from yesterday's Talking Head shows with Crooks & Liars' Nicole Belle.  It's a weekly segment we call "Fools on the Hill."  Here's what we'll hit on today, with links to all the clips, and Nicole's descriptions of them: We’re six weeks away from the midterm elections and the media is in full swing determining the narratives that are going to take us through the elections.  It appears that the media wants us to be wildly dissatisfied with Obama and associate his policies with that [...]

Warren, O’Donnell and Pence… Oh My!

So much has happened since we last spoke on Thursday... President Obama officially named Elizabeth Warren as the person to set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau -- though not necessarily as the one to run it.  Is he hedging his bets, or just being spineless yet again?  John Nichols of The Nation writes "There Will Be 'Hell to Pay' If Elizabeth Warren Doesn't Have Real Power." The Hill reports that Mike Pence was the best  that the attendees of the "Values Voters" summit could come up with for a 2012 Presidential nominee. And it's illegal to build sand castles [...]

By |September 20th, 2010|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Warren, O’Donnell and Pence… Oh My!

Mike Castle Beat the 41-Year Old Virgin-You Can’t Prove Otherwise!

I live in Florida, and have experience first hand the problems with touch screen voting machines.  If you've never seen the movie Hacking Democracy, I urge you to watch it now.  It'll make this story a whole lot more troublesome to you. Or you can bury your head in the sand the way most of the country seems to be doing. As Brad Friedman of BradBlog reports, From the State of Delaware's Elections website with 100% reporting: Verifiable Paper-Based Absentee Results: CASTLE: 54.7% - O'DONNELL: 45.3% Unverifiable Election Day E-Voting Machine Results: CASTLE: 46.7% - O'DONNELL: 53.3% This is a [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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