Welcome Back Grayson (and more things to be thankful for)

Today is a day two years in the making.  Two years ago, as the 112th Congress was being sworn in, I was feeling badly that my favorite Congressman had been targeted and defeated and therefore wasn't returning for his second term.  I picked up the phone and called the number I had for Alan Grayson and, to my surprise, he answered. We had a lovely conversation and I've enjoyed being able to count him as a friend.  And today, I'm brimming with pride and joy that he is, once again, being sworn in as a member of the US House [...]

Welcome to 2013

In the wee first hours of 2013, the Senate passed a stop gap bill to avoid raising taxes on 99% of the American people.  The House, after some posturing and in-fighting followed suit less than 24 hours into the new year.  That's not what I voted for... but it's also not as bad as it could have been.  Then again, it ain't over yet. This quick fix made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent (I would have preferred for five years if they had to go to $400/450K).  But on the plus side, it did extend federal Unemployment Insurance [...]

By |January 2nd, 2013|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Welcome to 2013

Baseball and Bad Bargains

  I don't usually talk sports on my show.  But yesterday, I started seeing tweets lamenting the loss of Marvin Miller - someone whose name I didn't know before.  After reading Keith Olbermann's beautiful tribute to the man, I asked David Sloane (who happens to be my fiance) about him.  David is an agent who represents professional baseball players, so I wasn't surprised when he answered by saying, somewhat wistfully,  that Miller is the man responsible for David being an agent today. Marvin Miller's story does have a place on this show.  As head of the Players Association, Miller was a union [...]

Busy Day Yesterday…

Sometimes there are too few hours in the day!  I'm just now getting around to posting yesterday's show (one more reason why you should subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or Stitcher..)...  Just as we were hitting the air for my show I got an email asking me to fill in for Randi Rhodes.... And Alison had a softball game last night (yes, we live in Florida - and it's the playoffs with another game tonight!) So, here I am taking a break from show prep for today's show to post yesterdays, along with links... On my show, I was [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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