After the Storm

If there is a silver lining on the giant Sandy cloud - and I'm not sure there is one - it's that now, perhaps, the powers that be will begin to take the reality of climate change seriously. Words fail me right now.  This morning, my friend Greg Basta joined me on the show to talk about the storm.  Greg was on with me last week to talk about the release of the Occupy the Boardroom book that's just been published.  Of course, I also asked him about his work with New York Communities for Change where he works as [...]


  Hurricane Sandy is now officially the biggest tropical cyclone in recorded history. As one who's lived through a few major hurricanes, obviously my thoughts and what passes for prayers in my world are with the millions of people in the path of the storm. That crazy image comes courtesy of my favorite weather source:  Dr. Jeff Masters has been a frequent guest on my show, but circumstances have him a bit too busy to come on today.  I will be checking his blog throughout today as I do both my show and Randi Rhodes' this afternoon. On my [...]

By |October 29th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Sandy!

Obama Sunk Mitt’s Battleship!

  President Obama was on fire last night, and Mitt resembled the Denver-debate Barack. The debates are over, and it's two out of three for the POTUS. Too bad that's not all that's necessary to put Election 2012 to rest.  The next two weeks are going to be brutal. This morning on the show, we'll listen to some of the highlights - and they most certainly came in the form of zingers courtesy of the current occupant of the White House. Author, columnist, pundit  Cliff Schecter will help me deconstruct what happened last night and gaze into the crystal ball. [...]

By |October 23rd, 2012|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Obama Sunk Mitt’s Battleship!

Which Mitt?

Election Day is four weeks from today, and it seems as if the Romney campaign has rolled out Mitt 2.0 (or is it version 3, 4, 4 or 6?).  Seriously, if you're confused about who the GOP nominee is, you're not alone. Daily Kos put together a short but biting video of Mitt Romney debating Mitt Romney on three issues: his tax plan, the need to hire more teachers, and health coverage for people with pre-existing conditions:  Mitt Romney debates himself Obviously, Mitt Romney goes which ever way the wind blows... Then there are the people who are now endorsing [...]

By |October 9th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Which Mitt?


Tonight, the long-awaited first debate between the two contenders for the presidency in 2012 is here. I fear it will be a giant let-down.  As much as I'd like for Mitt Romeny to "just be Mitt", he'll really just recite the answers that have been scripted for him on the subjects the candidates have been given in advance. Yesterday, I guest hosted the Randi Rhodes Show (thanks, Randi!), and played some of the mock-debate scene from HBO's The Newsroom.  If you haven't yet seen it, I encourage you to watch, as it's the only time you'll see any such debate [...]

Why Mitt Won’t Release His 2009 Tax Returns (And Why Those Are the Ones We Really Need to See)

  You might recall the story that broke a week or so ago about whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld being awarded $104 million dollars by the IRS.  This is directly related to the reason Mitt Romney won't release his 2009 tax returns.  Let me explain... Bradley Birkenfeld was a private banker at UBS in Geneva, Switzerland, where many very wealthy Americans hid millions of US dollars as a way to avoid paying taxes.  It was his job to lure those wealthy Americans to use his bank as a tax haven. In 2007, Birkenfeld decided to take advantage of a new whistleblower law [...]

By |September 28th, 2012|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

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