Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution

"Finally the tables are starting to turn" -- Tracey Chapman Revolution: a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving... That's the revolution I'm talking about.  Real people - the hard working, wage earners, parents struggling to feed, clothe and house their children, young people trying to get a foothold in the world, the oppressed, the poor, the newly homeless, the chronically unemployed, the middle class -- are sick and tired of making the sacrifices to pay for the mistakes of the wealthy who keep failing upwards and getting richer. It's time for those with the bulk of [...]

By |February 24th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution


While watching the people of Egypt win their peaceful revolution Thursday, one song was playing on a loop in my mind. Freedom! While the people of Egypt have a long road ahead of them, they did it! They won freedom from a dictator who has ruled their world for over thirty years. But the real lesson here is that they did it through peaceful protests - no "second amendment remedies" necessary. To those who suggest we might be able to follow their lead here to get what we want, I wish it were that simple. We have a deeply divided [...]

Fighting for Freedom

Things turned very ugly in Egypt yesterday as the world watched the people fight for freedom. It's been a week of inspiration mixed with sadness and joy, and anxiety and fear for friends we've never met. Many of us here in America are reaching out to show the Egyptian people that we stand with them.  From my conversation yesterday with an employee at the Cairo Marriott (scroll down to the next post if you haven't yet heard it!) to the presence of some familiar faces in Cairo calling for peace, we realize what a small world it truly is. Medea [...]

By |February 3rd, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Fighting for Freedom

Taking it To The Streets

It's Tuesday... and the world is restless. Of course, the big story is in Egypt where today millions are expected to take to the streets for the "March of Millions". It's amazing to watch history in the making. As I wrote yesterday, Al Jazeera is providing some of the best coverage, along with Amy Goodman and "Democracy Now."  Senior Producer Sharif Abdel Kouddous was born and raised in Egypt, and returned to cover the revolution (that's what it is, right? A peaceful revolution!). Democracy might just be spreading like wildfire through the middle East in the wake of the Egyptian [...]

Talking ‘Bout A Revolution

We will be doing just that on today's show.  Political cartoonist, columnist and war correspondent Ted Rall is my first guest this morning.  His new book, The Anti-American Manifesto explicitly calls for a violent revolution. Seriously! Rall also recently returned from a trip to Afghanistan.  We'll delve into that mess, as well as the mess here at home that prompted his writing of the Manifesto.  It should be a fascinating conversation. My friend David Swanson reviewed Rall's book recently and, I must admit, I agree more with Swanson than Rall on this one, but it's definitely worth the discussion! In [...]

By |October 5th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Talking ‘Bout A Revolution

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