7-12-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Friday Follies with Harry Shearer and Brian Karem

   We wrap up another week with more gaslighting from the liar-in-chief over his failure to get a citizenship question on the 2020 census. He also held a Troll's Gathering at the White House on Thursday. Journalist Brian Karem was covering the spectacle when he was accosted by Sebastian Gorka. Karem joins us today to talk about what happened and fill us on in the role of the press in the Trump White House. Check out Brian's podcast at justaskthequestion.com Also, all eyes are on New Orleans this weekend as Tropical Storm Barry is expected to make landfall in [...]

By |July 12th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-12-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Friday Follies with Harry Shearer and Brian Karem

8-26-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Shit Storm

This week marks the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's devastation of New Orleans. Part time resident Harry Shearer joins in to tell what he discovered about the reasons why New Orleans flooded while making his film, "The Big Uneasy". Florida is in the crosshairs of Erika - so it's a perfect day for another dip into the Oy FloriDUH files with Deborah Newell Tornello. And just before we hit the air came the news of the shooting death of a TN news crew in VA live on the air. Shit storm, indeed.

A Tale of Two Cities – With the Split Screen

Listen to this episode: {play}http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120829_Nicole_Sandler_Show_-_RNC_lies.mp3 {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   There's your split screen image for today.  On the left, the photo tweeted by MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry with the description  Feeling sad. #Isaac took the home @JamesHPerry and I just bought. All safe. House was vacant except for my dreams. pic.twitter.com/h62AkGPB On the right is the scene in Tampa, where people bragged about praying the storm away.  Their party will continue tonight, as millions in the Gulf are fighting the elements to stay alive and keep what few possessions they have left. Today on the show, I gave an update [...]

By |August 29th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on A Tale of Two Cities – With the Split Screen

Hurricanes, Truthers and the RNC

Listen to this episode: {play}http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120828_Nicole_Sandler_Show_-_Harry_Shearer_on_Isaac_and_New_Orleans.mp3 {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   Isaac has just been upgraded to hurricane status and by tonight will likely be barreling down on New Orleans, as New Orleanians already prepare to mark the 7th anniversary of Katrina tomorrow.  The US Army Corps of Engineers says the $14 Billion of taxpayer money was spent by shoring up the levies, and that New Orleans is safer now than it's ever been.. the problem is that that isn't saying very much. I reached out to Harry Shearer, best known for his comedic turns in Spinal Tap and The [...]

By |August 28th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Hurricanes, Truthers and the RNC

Did the World Change For You this Weekend?

I'm still waiting for the miracle we were promised, but all I saw was a guy preaching Jesus.  Sorry, but that's no miracle in my book. On today's show, we'll look at what Glenn Beck delivered, and what he didn't, with a guy who's been studying the would-be messiah and his ilk for a while now.  Will Bunch, a senior write at the Philadelphia Daily News (also the man behind their Attytood blog), and a senior fellow at Media Matters for America, has spent the last couple of years visiting the strongholds of the RWNJs in America, trying to figure [...]

When Disasters Converge

This weekend, we'll see the media reporting on two disasters. I wonder which one will get more coverage? Sunday marks the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The devastation to New Orleans could have been avoided, yet apparently not much has been done to make sure there's not a repeat. On Saturday, some of the nation's most ignorant and intolerant will gather in Washington DC to desecrate the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the place he delivered, and on the 47th anniversary of his "I Have A Dream" speech. Glenn Beck is a fear monger of the worst [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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