1-18-21 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s MLK Day and Music’s Returning to the White House

Download here or click below to play   Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day! We have a special show today. It's one that honors MLK and celebrates the fact that music is returning to the White House! It's been a vast, cultural wasteland for the past four years, but I got some great news about the musical treats in store as the Biden-Harris administration officially begins in just two days. I'll fill you in, and then bring on Lili Haydn and Marvin Etzioni. They're two artists who both have new music out dealing with the strange times we're living through [...]

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Did the World Change For You this Weekend?

I'm still waiting for the miracle we were promised, but all I saw was a guy preaching Jesus.  Sorry, but that's no miracle in my book. On today's show, we'll look at what Glenn Beck delivered, and what he didn't, with a guy who's been studying the would-be messiah and his ilk for a while now.  Will Bunch, a senior write at the Philadelphia Daily News (also the man behind their Attytood blog), and a senior fellow at Media Matters for America, has spent the last couple of years visiting the strongholds of the RWNJs in America, trying to figure [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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