Allen West is a Coward

Allen West with Nicole Sandler (dressed as Palin) 10-31-08 That's the conclusion I arrived at after telling my entire story on my show this morning.  This sad, pathetic man who hides behind his military badges and his "character" is afraid to talk directly with his constituents at events he has the audacity to call "Town Hall meetings".I attended because it was a town hall meeting, so I could ask my congressman a question.  I live in the 22nd district. (Ironically, Congressman West does not.) The event was held at a mega-church, the Calvary Chapel, headquartered in Ft. Lauderdale, also [...]

Monday, Monday (part deux)

Usually when I guest host the Randi Rhodes Show, I do it from my own home studio.  Today, there was a staffing issue, so they asked if I'd drive up to her studio in West Palm Beach.  Fifty-two miles (and 1/4 tank of gas) later, I was there.  And even after already doing two hours of my own show, there was still plenty to talk about, without repeating anything... Congressman Raul Grijalva, co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus was my first guest.  He joined me to talk about The People's Budget, which was introduced by the CPC, and is exactly [...]

Monday, Monday – part one

It's a double shot Monday... Midway through this morning's show, I got an email from Randi Rhodes' producer asking if I'd be able to fill in for her today.  So now, at 7:30 pm, I'm finally sitting down to write today's post. Needless to say, it was a busy day!  Here's part one: Late yesterday, we were treated to more of our nation's unflattering secrets, courtesy of WikiLeaks.  This time, the leaks deal with one of our least attractive features - Guantanamo Bay.  To fill us in on what he was able to glean from the files as of this [...]

By |April 25th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Monday, Monday – part one

The Post-Friday Budgetary Blues

As the new week begins, I'm still reeling from the events that transpired on Friday. As the country was waiting anxiously to see how the budget standoff would end Friday night, I was sitting in an attorney's office, signing away my rights to my house.  The house that my father bought after my mother died, where he lived his final dozen or so years in misery as a quadriplegic, is no longer my burdon. I bought my sister out of her share of the house after my father died ... at the height of the market.  The house that my [...]

By |April 11th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Post-Friday Budgetary Blues

Privatize This!

"It's not a budget. This is a cause."  A direct quote from Republican Paul Ryan, the Eddie Munster lookalike who heads up the House Budget Committee on his budget... er... cause. The thing that everyone needs to be screaming/blogging/talking about is the fact that Ryan's budget cause would do to Medicare what George W. Bush wanted to do to Social Security - kill it!  W failed in that quest.  Thank goodness.  Because if he had been successful in privatizing Social Security, he would have killed it - along with millions of seniors who would have lost everything when the banksters [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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