World Gone Mad: India’s rapes, Mali’s slavery, Gitmo’s prison, America’s guns

Nicole gives us updates on the "pre-trial hearings" for 9-11 accused at Guantanamo Bay. Howie Klein joins in to talk politics and atrocities in India and Mali. And GottaLaff from The Political Carnival on guns and Sarah Palin.

By |January 29th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on World Gone Mad: India’s rapes, Mali’s slavery, Gitmo’s prison, America’s guns

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"It's not a budget. This is a cause."  A direct quote from Republican Paul Ryan, the Eddie Munster lookalike who heads up the House Budget Committee on his budget... er... cause. The thing that everyone needs to be screaming/blogging/talking about is the fact that Ryan's budget cause would do to Medicare what George W. Bush wanted to do to Social Security - kill it!  W failed in that quest.  Thank goodness.  Because if he had been successful in privatizing Social Security, he would have killed it - along with millions of seniors who would have lost everything when the banksters [...]

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