Awake The State

Florida has been the land of apathy for far too long.  The heat and humidity have now given way to activism. Today marks the start of the 2012 Florida Legislative Session, and criminal Governor Rick Scott's second State of the State address.  We the people of Florida will not sit back silently and watch those up in Tallahassee impose their will on the rest of us. Nineteen cities in Florida are hosting Awake The State rallies today.  You can find one near you here.  I've been invited to speak at the one in Palm Beach; I'll be delivering the response to Scott's [...]

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Allen West is a Coward

Allen West with Nicole Sandler (dressed as Palin) 10-31-08 That's the conclusion I arrived at after telling my entire story on my show this morning.  This sad, pathetic man who hides behind his military badges and his "character" is afraid to talk directly with his constituents at events he has the audacity to call "Town Hall meetings".I attended because it was a town hall meeting, so I could ask my congressman a question.  I live in the 22nd district. (Ironically, Congressman West does not.) The event was held at a mega-church, the Calvary Chapel, headquartered in Ft. Lauderdale, also [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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