It’s time we bid adieu to Herman “Herb” (Koch-) Cain.  The pizza man who would be president is now “reassessing” his campaign in the wake of another woman coming forward.  This time, it’s Ginger White who says she had a 13-year affair with the married man.  Yes, the same man who stated “I have never done anything inappropriate with anyone. Period.”

Enter Ginger White, a woman claiming to have been in an almost 14-year affair with the lying hypocrite.

Georgia Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Herman Cain:

Now, let me explain my vitriol. Honestly, I think what two people do in the privacy of their own bedroom, hotel room or wherever else they choose to do it is their own business. But there are a few things about Herbie’s behavior that put him in the path of my ire.

  1. Is he really stupid enough to think that he can run for president without any of these “relationships” or escapades surfacing?
  2. Does he really thing the American people are stupid enough to allow his hypocrisy and lies to go unchallenged
  3. I don’t understand how he could allow all of this to come out and hurt the woman he supposedly loves, his wife …. knowing that he doesn’t stand a shot in hell of winning the nomination
  4. Ugh

That was one of the topics I discussed with Gottalaff of The Political Carnival when she joined me in hour two of the show, as she does every Tuesday morning.  We also talked about Barney Frank’s announcement that he will not run for re-election, and these stories too:

VIDEO ADDED: Herman Cain says another woman coming forward claiming a 13-year affair with him

PhotOH! Herman Cain’s note to alleged mistress

Gov. Sam Brownback to teen: “My staff over-reacted to this tweet and for that I apologize.”

Video- Scottsdale Gun club invites children to pose with Santa… and their choice of firearm

Gun sales skyrocket after Wisconsin legalizes concealed carry

Video- Rick Perry ad features SuperPAC footage, Shows “coordination”

VIDEO: Michele Bachmann was 6-year-old Gretchen Carlson’s babysitter

Michele Bachmann’s book should have been called “Cheaper by the Dozen”

PhotOH! Newt Gingrich packs Black Friday town hall

In the first hour, Joanne Bamberger, aka PunditMom, guested on the show for the first time. We talked about her book, PunditMom’s Mothers of Intention: How Women & Social Media Are Revolutionizing Politics in America. I hope she’ll come back, as we had a great conversation about motherhood, politics, women, her book and more!

Tomorrow on the show, Cliff Schecter will tell us about a new progressive talk radio station launching in Washington, DC on Thursday!  And David Cobb is on another Move To Amend speaking tour, including a visit with us!