Torture and Lies

President Obama admitted the US tortured "some folks" following the 9-11 attacks. Obama has used the word "torture" before to describe the harsh interrogation tactics used at CIA-run secret prisons during the Bush administration. But his words at a White House news conference were notably more direct than previous statements. The comments reflect the line the president is preparing to walk as he gets ready for the release of a Senate committee report on the Bush-era rendition, detention and interrogation program. According to the president, torture is not OK - but lying about torture is acceptable, as long as you [...]

News, Views and Muse

I was a bit worried that there might not be enough news to talk about with Congress going on a 5 1/2 week recess but, then again, it's not like they do anything when they're in session. But the drama that unfolded yesterday as they all attempted to leave DC was the perfect snapshot to illustrate the comedy of errors that the 113th Congress is. Adding to the absurdity of it all was Boehner's contention that President Obama, against whom the Speaker is filing a lawsuit over his use of executive orders, should use his executive powers to do something [...]

Taking on the World

Sometimes it feels as if we're taking on the whole world. That's because caring, responsible people just can't sit idly by while the world is crumbling around us. It's why we fight back against the immoral assholes who scream "Get out" to refugee children whose parents risked their lives on the remote hope they'll find better futures here. It's why we recoil in horror when the images of bombed schools and hospitals with blood and bodies strewn senselessly about cross our TV and computer screens. And why we fight back against the big moneyed interests whose only agenda seems to [...]

It’s a Matter of Life and Death

War. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! --Edwin Starr I was hit with a dose of sad reality yesterday during the show when, as I was discussing the sickening situation in Gaza, a long-time regular listener of this show, contributor and participant in the chat room posted in there, "Israeli Jews are Nazis." When I implored him to rethink his over generalization and admit that his hyperbole was overblown, he left the chat room in a huff and quickly stopped his monthly $5 contribution of support for Radio or Not. I emailed him the following: I'm sorry that you [...]

Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right

SULOME ANDERSON'He calls me neshama, I call him habibi. Love doesn't speak the language of occupation #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies,'Sulome Anderson tweeted. If only the so-called leaders could be taken out of the equation, the people of the world might actually have a shot at world peace! But only a shot because there are still citizens throughout the world who insist on placing all of the blame for this mess on one side or the other. As an American atheist of Jewish descent, I still consider myself a Jew - with all the history to comes with that heritage. I have [...]

By |July 23rd, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right

Tackling the Tough Issues

As if things weren't bad enough before I left for 10 days... As Jon Stewart asked upon his return, "What could happen in two weeks?" Famous last words.. Well, Jon Stewart attempted to cover the Israel-Gaza story with objectivity and, for his troubles, he got attacked - from both sides! I hearken back to those words of wisdom spoken by every mother to every child, "Two wrongs don't make a right." What's going on in Israel and Gaza is unacceptable. Yes, Israel has a right to defend itself, and Hamas' practice of storing its weapons where civilians live and play [...]

By |July 22nd, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Tackling the Tough Issues

Baseball and Bad Bargains

  I don't usually talk sports on my show.  But yesterday, I started seeing tweets lamenting the loss of Marvin Miller - someone whose name I didn't know before.  After reading Keith Olbermann's beautiful tribute to the man, I asked David Sloane (who happens to be my fiance) about him.  David is an agent who represents professional baseball players, so I wasn't surprised when he answered by saying, somewhat wistfully,  that Miller is the man responsible for David being an agent today. Marvin Miller's story does have a place on this show.  As head of the Players Association, Miller was a union [...]

Another Superfluous War

The following article was written by Israeli Peace Movement Gush Shalom founder Uri Avnery, and was originally published here. I wanted to post it here because I think it's the best thing I've read from an Israeli about the horrific practice of bombing one another into oblivion instead of fixing the problems that divide us.  Hopefully someone with power to do the right thing will read it and heed its call. HOW DID it start? Stupid question. Conflagrations along the Gaza Strip don’t start. They are just a continuous chain of events, each claimed to be in “retaliation” for the [...]

Time for Allen West to Retreat

  I actually backed Allen West on his right to a recount.  This is, after all, FloriDUH, and we don't know how to count ballots here.  If the situation were reversed, I would have demanded a recount on behalf of his opponent. So, after two judges denied his request, the St. Lucie County canvassing board decided a recount of all the early voting ballots was called for.  And after the count, Patrick Murphy's lead increased by 200 votes. So, Mr. West, it's time for you to leave. Now... So much to talk about today.. we'll unwind the Petreaus scandal (is [...]

By |November 19th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Time for Allen West to Retreat

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