Irony Alert- Day 50 of the Spill is World Oceans Day

Isn't it ironic, don't you think? It's Day 50 of the worst man-made environmental disaster in the world which will destroy the Gulf of Mexico for, optimistically, at least a generation.  The disaster began on Earth Day and today, Day 50, happens to be World Oceans Day.  It's a truly bad situation and it only seems to be getting worse! Tonight, I'll spoke with the wonderful Dr. Riki Ott, a marine biologist who's been camping out in the Gulf since the disaster began and must be feeling a bit of deja vu, as she was in Alaska when the Exxon [...]

By |June 8th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Irony Alert- Day 50 of the Spill is World Oceans Day

Primaries Matter!

It's the first big primary day of the 2010 midterm elections. The two races we'll be most interested in are the two Democratic Senate primary contests in Pennsylvania and Arkansas. In Arkansas, Lt. Gov. Bill Halter is challenging incumbent conservadem Blanche Lincoln. In Pennsylvania, Congressman Joe Sestak is running against Senator Arlen Specter. Tonight, we'll hear the interview I did with Sestak on Friday, and we'll also reach out to Will Bunch, senior writer at the Philadelphia Daily News to get his take on the contest as we wait for the polls to close. My pal Howie Klein at [...]

Thursday is usually my Friday, but not this week!

**Post updated with tonight's show's audio. Click above to listen!** I do a live program here at Radio or Not Monday through Thursday from 6-8pm ET.  I usually take Fridays off to take care of all the personal stuff I neglect during the week... But tomorrow, I will be working, as I once again guest host the Randi Rhodes Show. You'll be able to watch the ustream feed here as usual, but to listen to the audio stream, head over to or stream from one of her affiliate stations. More on that later... As for tonight, we've got an [...]

By |May 13th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Thursday is usually my Friday, but not this week!

Baseball, Politics, and Humor!

It's a busy show tonight, and I want to make sure you have links to all the guests and most of the topics! We'll kick things off at 11pm ET/8pm PT with John Amato of Crook & Liars. I've been a fan of that site for a long time, and this is John's first appearance on my show, so I'm quite excited about it. But I'm at a bit of a disadvantage, as the story he wants to talk about tonight deals with baseball player Mark McGwire, his steroid use, and the fact that former George W. Bush spokesliar Ari [...]

By |January 14th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Baseball, Politics, and Humor!

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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