Yes Virginia, There Is An Opponent!

Virginia Foxx is one of the more heinous Republicans in the House of Representatives.  I don't know if there's something in the water in the Carolinas, but that part of the country has more crazy than a cuckoo's nest. That's the latest ad from the Blue America PAC, the group run by DownWithTyranny's Howie Klein, Digby (Hullabaloo) and Crooks & Liars' John Amato, who find the best progressive candidates and help them raise the necessary funds to beat the worst Republicans and Blue Dogs. Both Howie and Digby have blogs up today about the Congressional race from North Carolina's 5th [...]

Awesomeness and Laffs

How do you do a radio show when you're feeling flu-ish? Invite the Awesome Bob Cesca and Gotta Laff to be your guests!  OK, Laffy was already scheduled (she's on with me every Tuesday morning), but Bob Cesca is certainly coming to the rescue. For readers not in the know, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! Go! is here, and you also read him on Huffington Post.  He's no stranger to radio either; he and Elvis Dingeldein host a weekly podcast too.  We'll talk about whatever comes up, though I'm sure we'll hit on the fact that Richard Shelby is blocking the [...]

The Evil Bar Reaches New Highs (Lows)

We're just three weeks and a day away from election day.  I know, midterms don't excite the masses, and the Dems aren't exciting the base.  But the old adage of voting for the lesser of two evils should be on everyone's lips today. I'm in the process of moving in with my boyfriend who lives in Florida's 22nd Congressional District.  This place drives home the meaning of that statement.  I'm no fan of Ron Klein's... but not for the reasons the Republicans are telling me not to vote for him.  Klein is just too damned conservative for me.  However, one [...]

By |October 11th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Evil Bar Reaches New Highs (Lows)

End Gerrymandering & Lou Dobbs Has an “Illegals” Problem

This morning, I spoke with Jeff Reichert, the writer/producer/director of the film Gerrymandering, that opens nationwide October 15 and will screen October 12 at the Ft. Lauderdale International Film Festival. If you're in South Florida and would like tickets to the screening, be one of the first 10 people to email me to ask for them, and I'll send you a pair of passes to a screening at the Ft. Lauderdale International Film Festival. In addition to visiting the sites linked above, you can also check out to learn more. I was supposed to speak with Ellen Freidin [...]

By |October 7th, 2010|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on End Gerrymandering & Lou Dobbs Has an “Illegals” Problem

Oh Mercy Mercy Me

Marvin Gaye was on to something. He wrote Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) way back in 1971. And here we are today, fighting to save the planet.  The White House announced yesterday that they'll be installing a solar water heater and replacing the solar panels on the roof that Jimmy Carter installed in 1979, but Ronald Reagan took down. Bill McKibben and his gang at have another huge worldwide event planned this Sunday - 10-10-10. And our friend Howie Klein of DownWithTyranny and the Blue America PAC also had solar panels installed in his home last week... Today, we'll [...]

By |October 6th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Oh Mercy Mercy Me

Talking ‘Bout A Revolution

We will be doing just that on today's show.  Political cartoonist, columnist and war correspondent Ted Rall is my first guest this morning.  His new book, The Anti-American Manifesto explicitly calls for a violent revolution. Seriously! Rall also recently returned from a trip to Afghanistan.  We'll delve into that mess, as well as the mess here at home that prompted his writing of the Manifesto.  It should be a fascinating conversation. My friend David Swanson reviewed Rall's book recently and, I must admit, I agree more with Swanson than Rall on this one, but it's definitely worth the discussion! In [...]

By |October 5th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Talking ‘Bout A Revolution

Filling in for Thom Hartmann

I think I'm the happiest unemployed radio personality around.  I regularly get to guest host The Randi Rhodes Show.  And today I got to fill  in for Thom Hartmann! Seriously, next to having my own show again, nothing could be better. Thom is in the middle of a move to Washington DC, but late last night they realized that the new studio wouldn't be ready for today's show. So, I awoke this morning to an email asking if I was available.  Duh! So, after my show (and after pulling out an old interview with Ralph Nader to run during the [...]

Marco Rubio Has A Lobbyist Problem

I've been under the weather all weekend.  I did something to my lower back that's had me in agonizing pain since Friday afternoon. Yes, I still did the yard sale on Saturday - made it through thanks to the  leftover percosets from my broken foot, but probably worse for the wear. But when I awakened this morning and turned on the computer, I was treated to a message that made me feel a whole lot better -- an invitation to guest host the Thom Hartmann show today. That post will follow, but first... here's what we did on today's show. [...]

By |October 4th, 2010|Comments Off on Marco Rubio Has A Lobbyist Problem

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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