Virginia Foxx is one of the more heinous Republicans in the House of Representatives. I don’t know if there’s something in the water in the Carolinas, but that part of the country has more crazy than a cuckoo’s nest.
That’s the latest ad from the Blue America PAC, the group run by DownWithTyranny‘s Howie Klein, Digby (Hullabaloo) and Crooks & Liars‘ John Amato, who find the best progressive candidates and help them raise the necessary funds to beat the worst Republicans and Blue Dogs.
Both Howie and Digby have blogs up today about the Congressional race from North Carolina’s 5th District. It’s one of the things Howie and I will discuss today when he joins us for our regular Wednesday morning get togethers.
In the second hour, we’ll take a look at the most un-appetizing of meals… school lunches. Avis Richards is the producer/director of Lunch The Film, a short documentary exploring the effects of the National School Lunch Program on America’s children today in schools and seeks to shed light on the current situation through candid interviews with doctors, teachers, farmers and various specialists.
I’ll be seeing the film and meeting Avis Richards this weekend, as she’ll will be at Acufest at the Biltmore Health & Wellness Festival, this Sunday Oct 17 from 10am to 5pm at the Biltmore in Coral Gables.
There will be continuous screenings of “Lunch: the Film” and Avis will be on hand to discuss how to improve what we feed our children in our nation’s school lunch programs.
For more information and to purchase tickets to Acufest go to or call 1-877-471-8499. Tickets to Acufest are $30 in advance, $35 at the door. The day-long Festival is dedicated to providing solutions for healthy living, and features 150 exhibits, lectures, and interactive experiences with internationally renowned experts in the medical sciences and healing arts.
Of course, we’ll get a news update from TRNS, and lots more… Come back after the show for the podcast!
Mike Tabor wrote the column below and has written many others under the column name “Progressively Speaking.” The columns can be found by searching archives for “Progressively Speaking” or his name. He is a farmer who advocates eliminating vending machines from schools. Article below is about local, low cost food supplies. He sells at farm markets in Adams-Morgan and Brookland (DC neighborhoods) weekly and estimates half his sales are from farm market WIC food stamps. Takoma or Langley-Crossroads farm market is the only Maryland farm market that takes the debit card loaded electronically each month (called Independence Card) that food stamps are issued as.