When Politics Turns Ugly

That's what it looks like. Lauren Valle was trying to present Rand Paul with the "Republicorp Employee of the Month Award" as he was getting out of his car last night to enter the studios of Kentucky Education Television for the debate with Jack Conway.  Rand Paul's thugs tackled her and stomped on her shoulders and head.  See the video for yourself... What's even uglier are some of the comments on this right wing blog, who defend the violence! A quick shout out to KagroX, who this morning tweeted "Freedom of Speech for Juan Williams. Oh, hold on, I have [...]

Return of the Aqua Buddha, The Outlaws and More Monday Madness

Just when you though politics couldn't get any weirder, the Aqua Buddha returns, in all his chubby, wet glory. Actually, we have Jack Conway to thank for bringing back this very strange aspect of the very strange Rand Paul's past.  First, here's Conway's latest ad: Last night, the topic led off the debate between the two guys hoping to represent Kentucky in the US Senate... it was fireworks from the first word: And poor, insulted "Dr." Paul wouldn't shake Attorney General Jack Conway's hand at the end of it... Yikes. Although my favorite line of the evening came from Conway, [...]

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On a Progressive Roll

We are! OK, I know Joe Sestak isn't the most progressive of progressives (especially when it comes to the war in Afghanistan), but next to Arlen Specter, Sestak is practically Bernie Sanders!  And Bill Halter might not be a true progressive either, but if he can get Blanche Lincoln out of the Senate from the left, that's good enough for me today. The truly progressive candidate in the Kentucky Senatorial primary, Jack Conway, did win! In fact, with 226,773 votes, he garnered more than Rand Paul, the guy who's gotten all the headlines   (with 206,159 votes) or his losing [...]

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