On a Progressive Roll

We are! OK, I know Joe Sestak isn't the most progressive of progressives (especially when it comes to the war in Afghanistan), but next to Arlen Specter, Sestak is practically Bernie Sanders!  And Bill Halter might not be a true progressive either, but if he can get Blanche Lincoln out of the Senate from the left, that's good enough for me today. The truly progressive candidate in the Kentucky Senatorial primary, Jack Conway, did win! In fact, with 226,773 votes, he garnered more than Rand Paul, the guy who's gotten all the headlines   (with 206,159 votes) or his losing [...]

Primaries Matter!

It's the first big primary day of the 2010 midterm elections. The two races we'll be most interested in are the two Democratic Senate primary contests in Pennsylvania and Arkansas. In Arkansas, Lt. Gov. Bill Halter is challenging incumbent conservadem Blanche Lincoln. In Pennsylvania, Congressman Joe Sestak is running against Senator Arlen Specter. Tonight, we'll hear the interview I did with Sestak on Friday, and we'll also reach out to Will Bunch, senior writer at the Philadelphia Daily News to get his take on the contest as we wait for the polls to close. My pal Howie Klein at DownWithTyranny.com [...]

It’s Friday, ya bastids…

That's what Randi Rhodes says each Friday as she launches into "Bounce Your Boobies" to start her show. Well, Randi's off today, and I'm guest hosting. I hope you don't mind, but I shall not be singing the customary Friday song.  I simply could not do it justice, so we'll all just have to go through boobie withdrawal until next Friday. I'm sure you'll understand. We do have a busy show for you today... Lots to talk about, including my theory that most of the Republican party and their followers tend to live  in some sort of "opposite world" or [...]

By |May 14th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s Friday, ya bastids…

Strange Day!

What a way to end the week!  Today was a strange, strange day. The stock market went over the cliff because some trader typed the letter B instead of M and traded billions instead of millions of futures of something, Joe Lieberman introduced legislation to strip citizens of their citizenship, it was the "National Day of Prayer" (in a country founded on the idea of separation of church and state), the UK held an election and nobody won, and the floor below the Gulf of Mexico is still spewing an oil geyser that could threaten our country's coastlines and millions [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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