12-20-23 Nicole Sandler Show – A Festivus for the Rest of Us

Click below to play, right click the download button and save as to save, or scroll down to watch   https://media.zencastr.com/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/65a3fe72-9c57-4ac7-bdae-df6e609644d6.mp3     Yes, I know that Festivus falls on December 23, which is when we usually observe the made up holiday. But this year, Festivus falls on Saturday, so we'll observe the traditions today. Seinfeld (the TV show) was huge in the 90s, and a few episodes spawned catch phrases and traditions that live on. One that I've embraced is the holiday made up by the fictional George Costanza's father. Rather than me trying to explain it, we'll go [...]

By |December 20th, 2023|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 12-20-23 Nicole Sandler Show – A Festivus for the Rest of Us

12-23-22 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s Festivus & My Final Show for 2022

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   Today is the made-up holiday known as Festivus! It came from Seinfeld, the TV show from the 90s. I liked it well enough in the day, but this isn't about the show. The holiday itself is just the kind of rebellion I like. The traditional holidays don't mean much to me (do they really, to anyone?) I just enjoy the idea of a nonsensical reason to air our grievances and salute feats of strength, while sidestepping the traditions of Christmas, Chanukkah, Kwanzaa [...]

By |December 23rd, 2022|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 12-23-22 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s Festivus & My Final Show for 2022

12-23-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Festivus Grievances and Economic Feats of Strength

Download here or click below to play   It is the under-observed holiday of Festivus, when we air our grievances and someone performs feats of strength. I've got plenty of grievances to air. This is still 2020, after all. Unfortunately, I have an entire 2020 full of grievances and more, but Donald Trump hijacked it all with his actions over the last 24 hours. The feats of strength today will be of an economic nature, as Stephanie Kelton- author of The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy -- guests, and explains that we are [...]

By |December 23rd, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 12-23-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Festivus Grievances and Economic Feats of Strength

12-23-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Ghosts of Radio Past

I could blame the tardiness of this post on the holidays... This year, Christmas, Channukah, Kwanzaa and Festivus all fell at virtually the same time, so it was a big deal... for some. Frankly, I like this time of the year because it's the end of the year and the beginning of a new one. My biggest grievance from 2016 is......(drumroll).... everything. This was an awful year. From lung cancer to Donald Trump -- that about says it all! Another grievance is my phone system. I'll have to figure that one out... In the meantime, this was a very fun [...]

By |December 26th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 12-23-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Ghosts of Radio Past

12-23-15 Nicole Sandler Show – A Festivus for the Rest of Us

Today is Festivus and Nicole Sandler leads us in the traditional Airing of the Grievances! Deborah Newell Tornello joins in to air her FloriDUH grievances. And an unlikely senate candidate, Steven Machat, tells us why he thinks he can win Marco Rubio's seat.

By |December 23rd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 12-23-15 Nicole Sandler Show – A Festivus for the Rest of Us

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