12-29-20 Nicole Sandler Show – The Final Tuesday with @GottaLaff of 2020

Download here or click below to play     Every Tuesday for many years, GottaLaff has joined me on the show to talk about what's in the news. She gathers tweets from her prolific stream to share that express what's happening. Well, today is the last Tuesday of 2020, and we both say Good Riddance. Join us as we tell the worst year ever not to let the door hit it in the ass on the way out. I can't post the YouTube version of today's show as it's currently blocked by WMG. They're accusing me of playing Fleetwood Mac's [...]

By |December 30th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 12-29-20 Nicole Sandler Show – The Final Tuesday with @GottaLaff of 2020

12-29-20 Nicole Sandler Show – The Final Tuesday with GottaLaff of 2020

Download here or click below to play     Every Tuesday for many years, GottaLaff has joined me on the show to talk about what's in the news. She gathers tweets from her prolific stream to share that express what's happening. Well, today is the last Tuesday of 2020, and we both say Good Riddance. Join us as we tell the worst year ever not to let the door hit it in the ass on the way out. I can't post the YouTube version of today's show as it's currently blocked by WMG. They're accusing me of playing Fleetwood Mac's [...]

By |December 29th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 12-29-20 Nicole Sandler Show – The Final Tuesday with GottaLaff of 2020

12-23-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Festivus Grievances and Economic Feats of Strength

Download here or click below to play   It is the under-observed holiday of Festivus, when we air our grievances and someone performs feats of strength. I've got plenty of grievances to air. This is still 2020, after all. Unfortunately, I have an entire 2020 full of grievances and more, but Donald Trump hijacked it all with his actions over the last 24 hours. The feats of strength today will be of an economic nature, as Stephanie Kelton- author of The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy -- guests, and explains that we are [...]

By |December 23rd, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 12-23-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Festivus Grievances and Economic Feats of Strength

12-17-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Catching Fire Thursday with Howie Klein & Eva Putzova

Download here or click below to play   In addition to writing at DownWithTyranny,  Howie Klein runs the Blue America PAC. He identifies and raises money for great progressive candidates-- usually for congressional seats, but occasionally others as well. He's my every-Thursday regular guest. Today Howie and I are joined by Eva Putzova. She ran for Congress from AZ-1 and, unfortunately didn't win. But she's energized and has formed the Catch Fire Movement  and will tell us all about it today. We'll start with the latest news, and how the US treats its citizens worse than just about every other [...]

By |December 17th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 12-17-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Catching Fire Thursday with Howie Klein & Eva Putzova

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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