4-29-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Government Sanctioned Extortion and the Awesome Danica Roem

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   I took the day off yesterday, not to rest up or have fun, but to fight with my health insurance extortionists. For as long as I can remember, I've called our for-profit system of heath noncare "government-sanctioned extortion," because that's the best description of this predatory system. Yesterday, I found out that due to a few elements aligning in just the right way, I'm no longer eligible for the help from the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the more obscenely expensive prescription drug [...]

By |April 30th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-29-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Government Sanctioned Extortion and the Awesome Danica Roem

12-23-15 Nicole Sandler Show – A Festivus for the Rest of Us

Today is Festivus and Nicole Sandler leads us in the traditional Airing of the Grievances! Deborah Newell Tornello joins in to air her FloriDUH grievances. And an unlikely senate candidate, Steven Machat, tells us why he thinks he can win Marco Rubio's seat.

By |December 23rd, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 12-23-15 Nicole Sandler Show – A Festivus for the Rest of Us

7-22-15 Nicole Sandler Show – About those Edited Videos

Proving the old adage "Trust No One," there are two news stories that rely on deceptively edited videos to smear a person (Sandra Bland) and an organization (Planned Parenthood). Fellow Americans, you've reached a new all-time low. Deborah Newell Tornello is back for another installment of Oy, FloriDUH, and a political novice - Dr. Alina Valdes - runs for Congress.

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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