1-3-24 Nicole Sandler Show – Words Matter with Anat Shenker-Osorio

https://redirect.zencastr.com/r/episode/6595ee358d8d8944b76f7f48/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/38758727-2945-41e1-816e-061e0b95965b.mp3 I'm thrilled to welcome Anat Shenker-Osorio back to the show. It's been a while -- the last time she was here was in July of 2014! Yes, she's been trying to help progressives win elections for many years and I thought this was the perfect time to have her impart some of her wisdom to our listeners. As she explains at the start of her great podcast WORDS TO WIN BY, Anat is a researcher, message maker, and campaign advisor in addition to author and podcaster. An essay in the NY Times she co-wrote with Norm Eisen and [...]

By |January 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 1-3-24 Nicole Sandler Show – Words Matter with Anat Shenker-Osorio

Going to Pot

On November 4, Florida may become the 24th state to legalize medical marijuana. I certainly never think of FloriDUH as a trend leader and, in this case, we'd be in the middle of the pack. But that's certainly better than dead last or bringing up the rear as is usually the case. On the ballot on election day, Floridians will get to vote yes or no on constitutional amendment 2: Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions. Although many groups and factions got together to make this dream a reality, United for Care led the charge in the petition drive, [...]

Busy Day Yesterday…

Sometimes there are too few hours in the day!  I'm just now getting around to posting yesterday's show (one more reason why you should subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or Stitcher..)...  Just as we were hitting the air for my show I got an email asking me to fill in for Randi Rhodes.... And Alison had a softball game last night (yes, we live in Florida - and it's the playoffs with another game tonight!) So, here I am taking a break from show prep for today's show to post yesterdays, along with links... On my show, I was [...]

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