6-9-16 Justice or Bust

As Bernie meets with President Obama and Harry Reid today, Nicole Sandler considers what we do next. Donna Smith, Executive Director of Progressive Democrats of America, guests to talk about “Justice or Bust,” The People’s Summit in Chicago next week, and the future of the Democratic party. Driftglass joins in too for our every-other-week dose of snarky commentary

4-10-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Flashback Friday Radio

Nicole covers the day's news and info, then looks back. For some reason, John Melendez (Stuttering John from the Howard Stern Show) joins in, and Nicole turns the tables and asks him pointed questions. We segue into the weekend with an amazing 1996 radio appearance at KSCA from the Brian Setzer Orchestra

Wellness Wednesday

With the deadline rapidly approaching (Dec 23) in order to be covered with health insurance on Jan 1 - and the news that the healthcare.gov website is now working (for the most part), success stories are beginning to emerge. We got one this morning from Crooks and Liars' Susie Madrak, who regularly joins us on Wednesday mornings! She was able to get through and sign up yesterday for coverage that will cost her less than she's paying now, and will cover more. Yes, she's happy. I wasn't sure how Donna Smith would respond when I asked her about the Affordable [...]

Of Saints and Sinners

Richard Holbrooke died yesterday.  Its amazing to me how, upon a persons death, people are afraid to speak truthfully. Although Holbrooke did some good things (anyone who tries to work through diplomatic channels can't be all bad!), he was also one of the architects of the Vietnam War, and authored some of the Pentagon Papers, showing he knew full-well that that war was a no-win situation. Holbrooke is being lionized in the media today, but not by all.  All one has to do is follow Jeremy Scahill's twitter feed.  He's been speaking out about the man he's covered for years, [...]

Socialism, Health Care Reform and John Fugelsang too!

I'm sick and tired of the Right Wing Nut Jobs who continue to call President Obama and the Democratic Party "Socialists". When I attended David Cobb's Move To Amend speaking tour stop in Ft. Lauderdale recently, I met Marc Luzietti.  He ambled up to the microphone to ask a question, and identified himself as being with the Socialist Party of Florida. Of course, I invited him to join me on the show.  He'll join me today to tell us what they stand for.  (Hint: It looks a lot like what we progressives and liberals wish the Democrats would be, with [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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