“Read my lips, no new Bushes. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Did I mention ever?”

Another snark-filled guest post by the one, the only Will Durst: BUSHES 3. US 0. Still recovering from the sonic bombshell dropped by Jeb Bush announcing he was officially upgrading his prospective candidate status from… considering the formation of an exploratory committee to investigate the feasibility of a possible run for the presidency to… actually authorizing the formation of an exploratory committee that will investigate the feasibility of a possible run for the presidency. Our little caterpillar is now one step closer to being a big bad beautiful butterfly. No one will admit the obvious: that the efforts of this exploratory [...]

The Bernie Beat @ Radio or Not

  With gratitude to the inspirational Gliberal Goddesses and chorale of awesome members of The Thundering Herd in Nicole's rocking Live Chat Room this week, we happily present the first of a weekly-ish post and thread dedicated to Vermont's Progressive pride and joy ... Mssr. Bernie Sanders. Or as we local yokels fondly think of him, our Rumpled Savior -- in the Clueless, Useless, God-Damned United States Senate, in the eye of the Great Swamp -- and, depending on how the Santa-Hillary Winds blow, taking his spot upon the 2016 primary bench on our side of the aisle and  right [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

Periscope On Air

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