11-13-23 Nicole Sandler Show — Saturday was Veterans Day

  View on Zencastr   Veterans Day this year fell on a Saturday. It always falls one week after my birthday, and 8 days before my father's. My dad never talked about his time in the Army. I always thought he was in the Korean War, but it turns out he was in WWII. I don't think he ever saw battle though. He was the emcee of the variety shows. Think Bob Hope one liners, but cornier. (I found binders of his material after he died). Anyway, I've been thinking about my dad recently, and what soldiers were fighting for [...]

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The Final Stretch

We have just over a week before election day, and things are getting nastier by the minute. On today's show, I'll be joined by one of the few progressive heroes in Congress - Raul Grijalva - who is in serious danger of losing his seat. On Thursday, Grijalva's Tucson office was evacuated Thursday when a staffer opened an envelope containing a plastic bag of white powder and two pieces of paper with swastikas written on them. Nice, huh?  Yes, it's ugly out there... But we'll start the show with Jason Leopold of Truthout, who spent the weekend poring over the [...]

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