Fu%$ing SCOTUS & the Fu$%ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show – 7-1-24

The six Extreme Court injustices completed their task from the Federalist Society to kill our democracy. And no, that's not hyperbole. The month of July begins with such a travesty to close out the court's session. I spent most of the first half-hour reading from Justice Sonia Sotomayor's and Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's dissents. PLEASE read the whole thing for yourself. Or just read the two dissenting opinions which run from page 68 to 118. Then we check in with Jonathan Larsen of The Fucking News to further examine this unprecedented assault on democracy and the crowning of King [...]

By |July 1st, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Fu%$ing SCOTUS & the Fu$%ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show – 7-1-24

F Covid and the F’ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show for 6-24-24

     After a rebound infection with COVID over the weekend (I'm not kidding), I'm almost feeling human today. The icing on the cake was a negative test this morning! Yippee!! So I'm back, trying to catch up on all that happened while I was delirious. One thing that did happen was TFG rambling like the demented old fool he is in Philadelphia Saturday night. I even have some audio... And as it is Monday, Jonathan Larsen is here from The Fucking News to fill us in on the fucking news I missed while I was fucking sick...   [...]

By |June 24th, 2024|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on F Covid and the F’ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show for 6-24-24

Another F$*king Monday with your F$*king News on the Nicole Sandler Show – 6-3-24

     Like death and taxes, there's no stopping Mondays. They come every week whether we want them or not. But there's a silver lining... we get The Fucking News every Monday from Jonathan Larsen who writes The Fucking News  every fucking day... Then again, there are some weeks when there's good fucking news, like Trump being convicted and like Mexico electing its first woman President -- a Jewish woman at that! But don't fear newsfuckers, there's some fucked-up news to talk about too... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqJohsRWRuw  

By |June 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Another F$*king Monday with your F$*king News on the Nicole Sandler Show – 6-3-24

It’s Fu@&ing Monday with the Fu@%ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show – 5-20-24

 Mondays are always difficult, especially after an epic weekend.. But here we are.There's lots of news to discuss-- the latest on TFG's trial, possibly entering the homestretch, Alito must recuse (or be impeached.... and Clarence Thomas too!), the ICC is calling for the arrest of Hamas' leaders plus Netanyahu and Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. And lots more.And since it's Monday, Jonathan Larsen joins in from The Fucking News with even more!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdVZWkphBgY

By |May 20th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on It’s Fu@&ing Monday with the Fu@%ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show – 5-20-24

It’s Fu&#ing Monday, We’ve Got Your Fu&#ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show – 5-13-24

        It's hard to believe we're almost half way through May already. I guess time flies whether we're having fun or not! I'm in website hell and in desperate need of a vacation... but I'm not there yet. So instead, it'll be a show at showtime as usual (5ET/2PT). I'll try to bring you up to speed on the Trump trial. Michael Cohen is on the stand today.. and Sen Bob Menendez' trial is on track to begin today too. It is Monday, so we'll check in with Jonathan Larsen of The Fucking News because we're not [...]

By |May 13th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s Fu&#ing Monday, We’ve Got Your Fu&#ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show – 5-13-24

It’s Monday so Here’s The F^&king News on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-29-24

  Ahh we joke, but that's how the news gets digested better. Every Monday, I'm joined by Jonathan Larsen who writes at TheFuckingNews.substack.com. Mondays are difficult enough, so I figure it's best to ease back into the new week with a bit of humor injected into the normal awfulness of it all. Today we'll have some actual funny observations about the news, something that was mostly missing from Saturday night's Nerd Prom (aka WH Correspondents Dinner). Then there's the lovely revelations about SD Gov Kristi Noem as a dog murderer, college campuses racked by protests, Bill Barr says the [...]

By |April 29th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s Monday so Here’s The F^&king News on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-29-24

The F*&king News Monday & Trump on Trial on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-22-24

Welcome to a new week. As expected the first criminal trial of Donald Trump is now underway in a NYC courtroom. Both sides delivered their opening statements and the first witness began giving his testimony. The prosecution started strong with David Pecker as the first on the stand. Notwithstanding his quite appropriate name, the former head honcho of the National Enquirer who ran interference for TFG with his "catch & kill" schemes to deal with stories that would be damaging for the orange one, will return to the stand when the court reconvenes tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, this trial will [...]

By |April 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The F*&king News Monday & Trump on Trial on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-22-24

Taxes, Trump on Trial and The F*^king News to Start the Week on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-15-24

 It's April 15. Have you done your taxes yet? Remember when TFG was in office and he told us we'd be filling out our taxes on a postcard? Yeah, not so much. But he's in a Manhattan courtroom today as his first criminal trial begins... And of course, Jonathan Larsen is here with the fucking news. You really should subscribe... start with the free version at thefuckingnews.substack.com. And I'm in the perfect fucking mood for it. I just spent the morning at the doctor's office and she thinks it IS gout. FML. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP8rVLcnzeQ&t=254s

By |April 15th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Taxes, Trump on Trial and The F*^king News to Start the Week on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-15-24

Another Monday with the F$^king News on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-8-24

Well, so far no rapture but we did see the eclipse here in Arizona! It's another Monday so we start the f$^king week with more f$^king news from Jonathan Larsen at thefuckingnews.substack.com because someone's got to do it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgwFVj7S-Iw Well, so far no rapture but we did see the eclipse here in Arizona! It's another Monday so we start the f$^king week with more f$^king news from Jonathan Larsen at thefuckingnews.substack.com because someone's got to do it!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgwFVj7S-Iw

By |April 8th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Another Monday with the F$^king News on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-8-24

Breaking F*&king News Monday on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-1-24

     The big guns come out on Mondays.... From Rachel Maddow and Jen Psaki to Jon Stewart and now Jonathan Larsen of The Fucking News! He's here every Monday to help kick off the week with a dose of news that you're not getting from the corporate mainstream media. Today Jonathan Larsen is breaking news that will be released to paid subscribers at thefuckingnews.substack.com concerning one of the more concerning underbellies of the US government... The Family, the National Prayer Breakfast and now... NASA? Jonathan will fill us in. But first, Easter blasphemy from TFG, his daughter-in-law, and [...]

By |April 1st, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Breaking F*&king News Monday on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-1-24

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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