When The Guest Is a No-Show, Nicole Sandler Lets Loose 1-22-25

      Brian Karem was supposed to be on the show today. Something must have come up because he's usually really good about showing up when he says he would. I hope all is ok... We'll have him back on sometime soon. I guess it's a good thing there was plenty to talk about. And I've been working my way through the stages of grief, but in my own order I guess. I'm now at the anger stage. By the end of the show, I really let loose... Talk to you tomorrow. https://www.youtube.com/live/vVUGQnQjlzo

By |January 22nd, 2025|Tags: , |Comments Off on When The Guest Is a No-Show, Nicole Sandler Lets Loose 1-22-25

MLK Day Monday and More F’ing News- Nicole Sandler Show 1-20-25

      Yes, I know what's happening today. Frankly, the less said about the inauguration, the better. So today, we'll hear President Biden's farewell address which I never got to last week. Maybe. We may hear some words of wisdom and warnings from Timothy Snyder ("On Tyranny"). Then we'll check in with Jonathan Larsen of thefuckingnews.substack.com. His Saturday post detailed the accomplishments of the Biden/Harris administration -- a good reference to hold on to as we move forward and try to navigate the next four years. I promised you I'd post this here. Timothy Snyder gave us a gift [...]

By |January 20th, 2025|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on MLK Day Monday and More F’ing News- Nicole Sandler Show 1-20-25

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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