Another Monday and More F’ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show 1-13-25

      Just like death and taxes, Mondays come along every week, whether we want them or not. So, welcome to another Monday. Thankfully, Mondays are made less worse because Jonathan Larsen of and is here to help us digest some of the fucking news that we also cannot escape. Oh, by the way, speaking of substack, we now send The Nicole Sandler Show out on substack every afternoon following the live show. So go and subscribe at (It's still free, though we do depend on your donations and generosity to keep this thing going!)

National Day of Mourning, Howie Klein, The Freedom to Read Act & More! 1-9-25

    Today is a National Day of Mourning. Sadly, that works on so many levels. Today President Jimmy Carter's official funeral was held. The last truly decent man to be president is gone. Perhaps some of his goodness will now enter the souls of those who have or seek power. But I'm not holding my breath. The mourning is not only for Jimmy Carter - it's for our democracy, the future of the nation (and the world), and my former home of Los Angeles where so many friends and former neighbors have lost everything. Yes, we're in mourning. Today [...]

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Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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