5-21-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Fast Track, Letterman, Emptywheel & Digby Too!

We're seeing too many good things end, and too many bad things linger. Today Nicole bids farewell to David Letterman's late night show after already losing Colbert and Jon Stewart's departure is imminent. But the Patriot Act seems to live on forever. And the Senate votes on moving Fast Track forward. Marcy Wheeler & Digby guest.

4-6-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Dick Pix Monday!

Today, Nicole talks Dick Pics with Emptywheel's Marcy Wheeler, thanks to John Oliver and his epic interview with John Oliver, talking NSA, domestic spying & the Patriot Act! Plus strategist and consultant Joel Silberman tells us about spending last week in Chicago working on the Chuy Garcia campaign for Mayor! And more news, info and snark...

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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