6-21-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Gun-Nation

Last night, Congress proved themselves incapable of taking care of the nation's business in an adult manner. Four amendments were brought to the floor, all with various levels of restrictions on gun purchases by people who should not be allowed near a firearm, let alone own one. All four went down to defeat. I'm battling bronchitis, so probably shouldn't have come on the air at all today, but I couldn't let those votes go by without talking about the travesty. Vote out all the bums. If you'd like to see who the bad guys are you can start with Sen [...]

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5-21-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Fast Track, Letterman, Emptywheel & Digby Too!

We're seeing too many good things end, and too many bad things linger. Today Nicole bids farewell to David Letterman's late night show after already losing Colbert and Jon Stewart's departure is imminent. But the Patriot Act seems to live on forever. And the Senate votes on moving Fast Track forward. Marcy Wheeler & Digby guest.

Saturday Morning with C-Span

If you weren't watching c-span this morning, you missed a mixed bag of history. First, the Senate showed that 100 mostly white men have no business deciding the fate of millions of young people in this country.  With the help of so-called Democrats Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Senators John Tester and Max Baucus of Wyoming, and Mark Pryor of Arkansas (and the chickenshit absence of WV's Joe Manchin), the DREAM Act was killed with a cloture vote of 55-41. According to FDL's David Dayen on twitter, Republicans Murkowski, Bennet and Lugar all voted AYE.  So, if Harry Reid had done [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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