After four weeks (but a veritable lifetime of waiting), we finally met with the oncologist yesterday to go over all of my test results.
After finding out I had a mass on my lung by mistake through an x-ray of my chest after a suspected heart attack (that thankfully wasn’t one), followed by weeks of poking, prodding, CT scan, PET scan, brain MRI, biopsies and other procedures, we got the best news we could have gotten, under the circumstances… with a couple of caveats.
At this point, my cancer appears to be Stage 1 adenocarcinoma, localized in the lower lobe of the left lung. The PET-CT scan showed no signs of lymph node involvement, and the EBUS showed no sign of the cancer having spread to the lymph nodes in my chest.
However, the CT scan did show a second spot on my left lung. This one, much smaller than the main tumor, is in the upper lobe. Unfortunately, they won’t know if it’s cancer until I have surgery to have the lower lobe and the tumor removed.
And the MRI of the brain showed what the doctors believe to be a meningioma. The oncologist explained that probably 15% of the population has a meningioma, usually a benign tumor that presents no problems and no danger. However, because of my lung cancer, they can’t exclude the possibility that this is related. Unfortunately, the only way to find out is by surgically removing the tumor, which is a major surgery, which we’re not going to do unless absolutely necessary. Instead, I’ll be seeing the neurosurgeon in the next week or so who will most likely want to repeat the MRI in six weeks, and keep a close watch on it.
Despite all of that, I’m very lucky. Usually, by the time adenocarcinoma of the lung is diagnosed, it’s already spread elsewhere making the treatment much more complicated. When it’s caught early, as this appears to be, the recommendation is surgery to remove the cancer. It’s the only time doctors treating cancer even dare to use the word “cure” as it is possible to remove all traces of the cancer and be rid of it. Of course, we won’t know until after the surgery is complete and the lymph nodes that are removed along with the lung tissue are examined and any spreading has been ruled out.
IF we are that lucky, I might not even need chemo or radiation. But one step at a time…
The next step is to find a surgeon I feel comfortable with. Sadly, the surgeon we met with at Holy Cross is not the one.
He explained the surgery he’d do: a 4-5 inch incision, going in through my back. He’d use a rib spreader to open the area and remove the lower lobe of my left lung in one piece. He explained that I’d be in the hospital for about a week, I’d have a drainage tube from my chest and more truly frightening things that I wasn’t happy to hear.
When we asked about some of the surgical advances we’d read about, using scopes or robotic techniques for a minimally invasive surgery, he said that he didn’t do it that way. He explained that doing the main part of the surgery through the small incisions was more time consuming and they’d have to cut me wide open to remove the lung lobe anyway . My research shows that not to be the case, that a minimally invasive removal of the lung lobe is not only possible but done regularly, so we’ve ruled out Holy Cross as the hospital at which I’ll have the surgery.
We have a slew of consults (second, third and fourth opinions) next week, heading up to the University of Florida Cancer Center in Orlando and the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa on Wednesday, Cleveland Clinic in Weston on Thursday, and one more surgeon who I was referred to yesterday hopefully at some point next week so we can decide on a surgeon and schedule the surgery.
So, that’s the latest. One foot in front of the other.
In case you missed how this all started, I explained it on my show on July 21. About 90 minutes before hitting the air, my doctor called me with the preliminary results of the biopsy. I shared the information I had just received with my listeners.
As for alternative treatments, I remain very hopeful about the cancer-killing properties in cannabis. On Monday’s show (2pm ET sharp), I’ll be interviewing Rick Simpson, famous for RSO (Rick Simpson Oil). Read his story and get more info at his website: and watch his story, Run From The Cure here:
***Update 8/6 5:40pm I’ve gotten a few notes from concerned readers who are worried that I’ll forego the surgery to try the cannabis oil. I’m not willing to stake my life on the belief that this is a miracle drug. I will be having the surgery to remove the cancer from my body as soon as possible. But I do think that this oil would be helpful in keeping it from coming back. Sadly, I live in FloriDUH, where it’s still illegal. But we’re working on changing that. Vote YES on Amendment 2 Nov 8.
Thinking of you, take care.
Hey truthteller-here is some info on the mj aspect of rx in combo with whatever other treatments you get-my great “sis” from Homosassa Springs (an RN) passed this to me from fb
Her name is Jk
first medical marijuana dispensary to open in Florida | Fox News
First medical marijuana dispensary to open in Florida | Fox News
The first medical marijuana dispensary in Florida is slated to open.
There is 1 dispenser in Tallahassee and 2 near Tampa area.. also person use of MJ has been decriminalize in many cities and counties. .Medical dispensing of oral CBD has been legal Since the 90s..marinol…spell check but rarely prescribed. .I am moving if by time I retire they haven’t done something in FL…
She is actually a dear pal, whom I’ve never met-but she always finds med info in different places of FL. I hope this will help you in some way xxoo
You are probably taking one more deep breath after the latest news. Feeling both optimistic and cautious. I can sort of relate. Several years ago I went in for a routine test. Doctor came in and said you have a mass on your lung. My mother had died of lung cancer, and I freaked. It turned out to be a schwannoma the size of a grapefruit behind the lung. I talked to several doctors and not one mentioned minimally invasive surgery. I wish they had. I had to have 2 surgeons, thoracic and neurosurgeon. My chest and spine were spread open, lung collapsed, a couple of ribs trimmed to make room to remove the tumor, chest tubes yadda yadda—recovery was tough but the part that plagues me to this day is numbness. For the first few months, I could only wear very soft tops. It took me months before I could wear a regular bra. It’s been 7 years and I know this is probably as good as it gets with this. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful because I am! I am so thankful my tumor was benign, and I’m still around to enjoy my granddaughter, family, and friends. That experience led me to a spiritual path that has led me to more joy and inner peace than I’ve ever known. I know you are concerned about your physical well being but don’t neglect your mental and spiritual self either. I wish you the very very best.
May every cell of your being be filled with health, peace, light, and love.
The Moffitt Cancer Center is a member of the ORION cancer information sharing network with hospitals like the City of Hope in Los Angeles. I suspect they may have more to offer. If you plan to use any alternative treatments, be sure to run it by your oncologist to be sure there won’t be any adverse reaction with your mainstream drugs.
Nicole, I thought I’d seen a Fund Me page to help with all the expenses involved in your cure. Can you tell me where to find it? By the way, I live just off Sheridan Street in Hollywood – my husband was Bob Weaver on NBC-6. Gone now, but he was a big fan – as I will always be – for the important service you provide to us sane people.
Hi Myra. I didn’t use Go Fund Me because they take exorbitant fees. The fundraiser is at IT’s also linked from xo thank you!
Hey little sister! I’m in distress at your illness. I thought that John Morgan and sons law firm had successfully lobbied to get the med mj legalized…I follow it all the time when I’m in FL. MAYBE it was just getting it back on the ballot…but it seems like I’ve seen him on Bay News 9 talking about it for years… Can you just make NY your legal residence-then you can get the ins. AND surgeries AND oil with it as it is finally legal here-will be following you brave one! Wasn’t it fabulous back when we were afraid Grayson had endorsed hrc-then he had the vote on his site for the candidate to get his Super D vote-and it was Bernie. I remember being as dazed as you the morning you spoke with him-then he turned out to be our hero after all-Love hugs and F cancer!
I hope that you can find a surgeon that you are comfortable with very soon. Best wishes in your ongoing health issue. We will be here when you feel well enough to come back to the show. Your voice is very important to the progressive movement.
Nicole, this is a very treatable cancer. Please, please, please do not succumb to quackery in lieu of surgery and if necessary, chemo. Stage I cancer is not the time to fuck around with unproven treatments. If you were stage IV and had already been through 1st and 2nd line treatments and you were out of options, THAT’S the time to start throwing shit up against the wall to see what sticks. That is not you. Please — Get thee to an NCI Cancer Center like Moffitt or Cleveland Clinic where they SPECIALIZE in treating cancer.
Cannabis oil has not been studied extensively enough to stake your life on it. Rick Sampson falls into the category of Some Guy’s Web Site. Until there have been clinical trials that are peer-reviewed, his claims are nothing but anecdote, and anecdote is not data.
I just posted this update above: I’ve gotten a few notes from concerned readers who are worried that I’ll forego the surgery to try the cannabis oil. I’m not willing to stake my life on the belief that this is a miracle drug. I will be having the surgery to remove the cancer from my body as soon as possible. But I do think that this oil would be helpful in keeping it from coming back. Sadly, I live in FloriDUH, where it’s still illegal. But we’re working on changing that. Vote YES on Amendment 2 Nov 8.