9-15-16 Recuperation Roller Coaster

My best medicine I had planned on posting this a few days ago. Unfortunately, the painkiller haze, the pain itself, minor (and some major) meltdowns, and my need to sleep and rest delayed it slightly. I also want to write posts on the surgery itself (that'll be quick as I was out for the entire thing, but there are a few notes to pass along) and my hospital stay (avoid the University of Miami Hospital like the Plague!!), so those will be coming soon. And I'll keep you posted on the next part of the cancer fighting [...]

By |September 15th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 9-15-16 Recuperation Roller Coaster

8-6-16 Good News, Relatively Speaking

After four weeks (but a veritable lifetime of waiting), we finally met with the oncologist yesterday to go over all of my test results. After finding out I had a mass on my lung by mistake through an x-ray of my chest after a suspected heart attack (that thankfully wasn't one), followed by weeks of poking, prodding, CT scan, PET scan, brain MRI, biopsies and other procedures, we got the best news we could have gotten, under the circumstances... with a couple of caveats. At this point, my cancer appears to be Stage 1 adenocarcinoma, localized in the lower lobe of [...]

7-26-16 Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

  I had my first consultation with the oncologist yesterday. The entire experience was a bit surreal. Although I'm impressed with the cancer center at Holy Cross Hospital in Ft. Lauderdale, I was immediately put off by the women who greeted me at the reception desk. From the one young woman who, in her very chipper voice with a big smile on her face asked, "How are you doing today?" to the other one who, without bothering to check, said "You have a $40 co-pay today," I was ready to turn and run out of there. Instead, I told anyone [...]

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