Keep Pushing Back

Three years ago today, a group of New Yorkers descended on Wall Street's Zuccotti Park to protest the problems caused by and lack of any consequences for those responsible for the financial meltdown of 2008. Obviously, there was much more that the original Occupiers of Wall Street were protesting, but the wealth and justice inequality that is synonymous with Wall Street was the unifying evil that was being fought. Today, though, I was hard pressed to find any remnants of the once-promising protest movement. Even the official Occupy Wall Street website had no new front-page article to commemorate the day. Ironically, [...]

It’s Springtime in America

The Occupy Wall Street movement began in the fall. But with spring blossoming yesterday, it seems certain that the uprising will bloom in bigger ways. Alison Kilkenny is a NYC based reporter, covering the movement for In These Times and The Nation, as well as Citizen Radio, which she co-hosts with her brilliantly funny husband, Jamie Kilstein.  She joins us in the first hour today to bring us up to date on #OWS at six months. It's still March - which means it's Women's History Month.  Time for a visit from my dear friend Amy Simon, cultural HERstorian and writer& [...]

By |March 21st, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on It’s Springtime in America

Occupy’s Asshole Problem: Flashbacks from An Old Hippie

Note from Nicole ... This post was written by my friend Sara Robinson, a senior fellow at the Campaign for America's Future.   I hope that any assholes who think they're acting as part of the Occupy movement will read it and take heed....   Occupy's Asshole Problem: Flashbacks from An Old Hippie   By Sara Robinson November 4, 2011 I wish I could say that the problems that the Occupy movement is having with infiltrators and agitators are new. But they're not. In fact, they're problems that the Old Hippies who survived the 60s and 70s remember [...]

This is What Democracy Looks Like

That was the scene in Oakland last night - following two nights of brutal police action that resulted in one 24-year old Marine, two-tour Iraq war veteran Scott Olsen hospitalized, in critical condition, with a skull fracture and swelling of the brain.  The occupiers in Oakland were not to be deterred.  If anything, this police action probably intensified their resolve. At this meeting, as AlterNet's Joshua Holland recounted on this morning's show, those present voted in favor of a general strike to happen on Wednesday, November 2. From Below is the proposal passed by the Occupy Oakland General Assembly [...]

Overturn Citizens United

Congresswoman Donna Edwards introduced a bill to do just that... Unfortunately, it's much easier introduced than passed. And considering it's Boner's House, it won't even come up for debate. This morning on the show, we started a new weekly feature with my friends at Main Street Insider.  Today, Jeremy Koulish joined me to talk about H. Res. 78 - the bill to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling on Citizens United, which affirms the ridiculous ideas that corporations are entitled to the same right as you and I to protections under the First Amendment. Each week, Main Street Insider offers up [...]

By |October 19th, 2011|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Overturn Citizens United

Just Another Day In Paradise

I've been reading some of the messages to the 1% at, and this one - and many others like it - say so much! UNDERWATER Hello. We paid cash for our house back in 2005. Now, it's worth less than half what we paid for it, in spite of nearly $85,000.00 in improvements financed on our bank credit line. Why the price drop? The bottom fell out of the FL market, thanks to reckless and selfish actions by banks and mortgage brokers. We are now surrounded by foreclosures and short sales and abandoned houses and weeds and trash and squatters [...]

By |October 18th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Just Another Day In Paradise

The Re-Birth of a Nation

It's happening all over the county. We the People are finally saying "Enough!" and saying it loudly.  This is the beginning of something new. It may take a while, but the sleeping giant has awoken. The Occupy movement will continue to be the focus of this program for the foreseeable future. This morning, about 30 minutes before showtime, I got a call from Leah Bolger, VP of Veterans for Peace.  She was calling from the Rayburn Office Building where today's House Armed Services Committee was meeting and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was testifying. Leah told me that a [...]

By |October 13th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The Re-Birth of a Nation

The Occupation of our Nation

It all began in NYC's Zucotti Square, aka Liberty Square, where a group of young people decided to Occupy Wall Street. On 13 Jul 2011, the group Adbusters released this call: Occupy Wall Street! In Solidarity, and as a response to this call, a planning group was formed [], and an info sharing site established. The participation of every person, and every organization, that has an interest in returning the US back into the hands of it's individual citizens is required. Our nation, our species and our world are in crisis. The US has an important role to play in the [...]

The Beginning is Here

A sign I saw in Washington DC's Freedom Plaza read "The Beginning is Near!".  It's obviously a play on the paranoids' "the end is near" theme.. but it was wrong. The Beginning is HERE! This morning on the show, I told about my trip to DC to participate in the Take Back the American Dream conference, sponsored by the Campaign for America's Future, Rebuild the Dream, and, plus the Stop the Machine - Create a New World occupation of Freedom Plaza.  I was straddling both worlds of the progressive movement to change this country for the better... I [...]

By |October 10th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Beginning is Here

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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