You Came, So I Built It!

I said that if enough listeners wanted it, I'd expand the show and do a live program on Fridays. You asked, so here we are. The Friday program will be a little different... we'll look back at the week that was, open the phones for anything you want to talk about, and end the week with a gem from my music radio archives. My morning today began with my usual routine, reading my emails. I came upon an essay sent to me by a friend who wrote it and posted it on his personal blog. It was so moving and [...]

The Caucus, The Guns and The News

Welcome to the first election day of 2012. Except it's not really an election, it's a caucus - held in Iowa - and it doesn't mean a damned thing. The Caucus:  My friend Kenneth Quinnell of the Florida Progressive Coalition wrote a great piece for Crooks & Liars - Iowa Caucus Preview - and he joined me to talk about it.  We also discussed some Florida issues - including next Tuesday's of the legislative session and the Awake the State rallies planned statewide that day.  Find the one closest to you and attend.  (I'll be speaking at the one in [...]

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Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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