Democracy with Jamie Raskin on the Nicole Sandler Show 3-18-24

 The 2024 presidential election is in full swing. My husband David and I were fortunate enough to be at a Biden-Harris event in Tempe, AZ yesterday where the featured speaker was our favorite member of Congress, Jamie Raskin.I hope to have him on the show sometime soon for a real interview, but we got to say hello, shake his hand, take a photo and hear him speak for about 30 minutes. It was one of the best political speeches I've ever attended, and he did it extemporaneously - no notes, no teleprompter. Just his quick wit and brilliant mind.I started [...]

By |March 18th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Democracy with Jamie Raskin on the Nicole Sandler Show 3-18-24

1-31-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesday with GottaLaff Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version   It's one of those Tuesday when Laffy is here. All bets are off, anything goes...

By |January 31st, 2023|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 1-31-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesday with GottaLaff

2-15-21 Nicole Sandler Show – On Presidents’ Day, WTAF GOP with Lisa Graves

Download here or click below to play (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)     We knew that there weren't 17 Republicans with integrity in the Senate, but that doesn't make it any easier when they put their jobs and political party ahead of the nation. But that's exactly what they did on Saturday as the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump ended with an acquittal. And as he tends to do, Trump won by losing the popular vote! The final tally was 57 for conviction, 43 against. And he wins! Opposite world indeed. Lisa Graves [...]

By |February 15th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-15-21 Nicole Sandler Show – On Presidents’ Day, WTAF GOP with Lisa Graves

2-11-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Impeachment 2.0, Day 3 (We’re watching so you don’t have to)

Download here or click below to play   It's the third day of the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump. Today, we're going to do something similar to what we did yesterday. We'll carry it live for however long it's on during today's show from 5-6pm ET, and I'll share some of the highlights of what happened earlier today. And perhaps we'll be able to get to some other news too... I don't know why I use the Royal "we"... it's just me. And you. But I did bring in some comic relief, because we really needed the laughs today. [...]

By |February 11th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 2-11-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Impeachment 2.0, Day 3 (We’re watching so you don’t have to)

2-9-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Impeach & Convict Trump 2.0

Download here or click below to play    Today was the first day of the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump. This is the first time in history that any elected official, current or former, has ever been impeached twice! Donald Trump would brag about that distinction because that's what he is. Anyway... today, Lead Impeachment Manager Congressman Jamie Raskin started. He explained that Donald Trump was guilty of inciting an insurrection on January 6, and that he must be held accountable for his actions. And he went to the video. The argument today was about the constitutionality of [...]

By |February 9th, 2021|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 2-9-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Impeach & Convict Trump 2.0

2-8-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Impeachment Eve Deja Vu

Download here or click below to play   Here we are, it's the eve of the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump. It's the first time any president - past or current- has ever been impeached twice. Today on the show, some background that you should know before the trial begins. I played a few clips from the "Special Order" Hour put together by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez on Thursday night, in which members of Congress told their stories about January 6. Here's most of the hour of testimony, should you care to watch. I also played a clip of [...]

By |February 8th, 2021|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 2-8-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Impeachment Eve Deja Vu

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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