4-26-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Getting it Correct with Dave Johnson

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)     Today begins a new week that will mark President Joe Biden's 100th day in office, and his first address to a joint session of Congress. I'll take stock of where we are at this point with blogger Dave Johnson, from a long line of Johnsons who are usually right, er, correct. Today, I began the show once again lamenting the sad state of police in this country who seem bound and determined to flex their power muscles, kill Black people and [...]

By |April 26th, 2021|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 4-26-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Getting it Correct with Dave Johnson

3-18-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Politics vs Coronavirus and David Daley Too

Download here or click below to play   Despite the mandates for social distancing, three states still held primary elections yesterday, leaving many to wonder about the wisdom of holding elections during a pandemic, and others wondering about the wisdom of delaying elections for any reason whatsoever! Depending upon your viewpoint, it’s either an ironic twist of fate or it was simply meant to be that David Daley’s new book, Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Back to Save Democracy is being released this week… Can we save Democracy, or has that ship already sailed, so to speak? We’ll discuss that [...]

By |March 18th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-18-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Politics vs Coronavirus and David Daley Too

7-11-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein or WTF Pelosi?

   After taking a few weeks off, Howie Klein returns to the show, just as a rift is growing between the Democratic House establishment leadership and the progressive freshmen contingent. I'm sure Howie will have a few choice words to share on the subject. Plus the latest news and information and more...

By |July 11th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-11-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein or WTF Pelosi?

7-5-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Gerrymandering, Citizenship Questions & More with David Daley

 It's the day after the 4th of July, and we're live today with the latest news of the day. With the Trump administration still trying to make an end run around the Supreme Court to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census, Nicole speaks with an authority on gerrymandering, David Daley - author of Ratfucked about the ramifications of the rulings on the two biggest cases of this term of the Supreme Court.

By |July 5th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-5-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Gerrymandering, Citizenship Questions & More with David Daley

4-4-18 Nicole Sandler Show – The Census Fix with Ari Berman

The Trump administration is threatening democracy with its handling of the 2020 Census. Ari Berman of Mother Jones Hidden Figures: How Donald Trump is Rigging the Censuswrote a piece about it, "" and joins in to tell us what they're doing and whether there's a remedy.

By |April 4th, 2018|Tags: , |Comments Off on 4-4-18 Nicole Sandler Show – The Census Fix with Ari Berman

The Tuesday Randi Rhodes Show

As you know by now, I'm filling in for Randi Rhodes for these last two weeks of the year.  Yesterday, we listened back to some of the news from January, as we started on our journey through the past year in the rear view mirror...  Today we'll venture back through February and March. Once again, we'll be joined by Tim Karr of FreePress.net and SaveTheInternet.com, who was at today's FCC hearing and vote on their new "net neutrality" regulations.  I put that in quotes because, unfortunately, it's fake net neutrality.  The Washington Post has this wrap-up of today's meeting here. [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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