12-3-21 Nicole Sandler Show – From the FOIA Master to Beatles Brilliance with Jason Leopold & Chris Willman

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   We've got a lot to jam into our last hour of the week today. We'll start with Jason Leopold, who has another two FOIA victories that earn him bragging rights. One of them resulted in 10 redacted passages from the Mueller report being made public. The other has to do with multiple allegations of CIA personnel and sex crimes involving children. The government nicknamed Jason "the FOIA Terrorist." Nope. He's the FOIA Master damn it. We'll move to a much more pleasant [...]

By |December 3rd, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 12-3-21 Nicole Sandler Show – From the FOIA Master to Beatles Brilliance with Jason Leopold & Chris Willman

FloriDUH, The Beatles and Why Hillary Shouldn’t Run

We'll begin with the fun stuff. Yes, that's a young me at KLOS in Los Angeles with Ringo Starr. Proof that I have met a Beatle! As the nation remembers back 50 years ago this week when The Beatles invaded America, played the Ed Sullivan Show and changed our lives, I noticed an article about an old friend of mine who owns a piece of that Beatles history! Andy Geller hit it big in the world of voiceover. In 2002, at the top of his game and a known collector, he learned about the piece of backstage wall at The [...]

Not Monty Python’s Palin & Jones

"Pastor" Terry Jones just finished up a press conference in which he said that he's canceling Saturday's scheduled Koran burning in Gainesville FL because the Imam of the planned Islamic center near ground zero has agreed to relocate it. Call me a cynic, but I think this guy is full of shit.  I don't believe the Imam agreed to any such thing.  And if he did, it's tantamount to blackmail or negotiating with a terrorist.  Yes, I think Terry Jones is a terrorist. I think this whole idea of linking the Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan with the Koran burning [...]

By |September 9th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Not Monty Python’s Palin & Jones

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