When We Don’t Learn From Our Mistakes…

... we tend to repeat them. Last night, President Obama told the American people that we learned nothing from the Cheney-Bush-Rumsfeld-Rice-Powell debacle that was our last invasion of Iraq. Somehow, this administration learned nothing from its predecessors. One lesson they should have learned is that you can't bomb your way to peace. It's just plain impossible. So what should we be doing about the legitimate horror that is ISIS (or ISIL or the Islamic State)? Stephen Miles, Advocacy Director at Win Without War joined me on the show this morning with response to last night's address. Before the speech began, [...]

Supremely Wrong

The Supreme Court has now adjourned until the first Monday in October. My only wish is that they all ride off into obscurity. Or at least the five of them who insisted on being on the wrong side of everything today. The justices decided to wait until today to render their final two opinions - one that sticks a knife through the heart of organized labor in the US, the other further eroding the separation of church and state - and underscoring the second class citizen status of women in America. The first decision offered this morning was in Harris v. [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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