Racism is Alive and Well in America

I could think of no better topic for today's show than the chronic problem of racism in America. I am not a supporter of Eric Holder's.  I think he's done a lousy job as Attorney General, but he sure did deliver a brilliant speech at the NAACP convention in Orlando yesterday. In case you missed it, it's worth a view or a read of the transcript. I played some of the pertinent parts on the show this morning, including these quotes: This afternoon I want to assure you of two things: I am concerned about this case and  - and [...]

By |July 17th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Racism is Alive and Well in America

Who Agreed Zimmerman Said “Punks” and not “Coons”?

  Ever since I heard prosecutor John Guy misquote George Zimmerman in his shocking expletive-laced opening statement to the jury, I've been wondering why they would stipulate that the killer didn't use the racial epithet that so clearly assaults my ears each time I hit 'play'. But the first words out his mouth after saying "Good morning" to the jury, was "fucking punks". That is NOT what George Zimmerman said on that 911 call. I don't care how many "experts" say otherwise, but I've listened over and over, and hear quite clearly Zimmerman's hatred and racism seethe in his under-his-breath [...]

By |July 15th, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Who Agreed Zimmerman Said “Punks” and not “Coons”?

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